UPDATE: I've updated the link to the Cloud Hat pattern to a more current (and perfect) version.
One of the most fun parts of Claudia's get-together on Sunday was a stash swap. I put in two skeins of A Touch of Twist - a yarn from a small vendor I bought in....ummmm, Maryland? New Hampshire? I can't remember (Ms. Moth Heaven took it) and a mondo skein of Helen's Lace. (who took that? speak up)
I took: two balls of mohair and a skein of Claudia's lovely handspun. See how nicely the colors coordinate? I plan to make Dulaan Cloud hats with it. There is a pdf of the pattern here. I like to warn (and be warned) when a click is of a pdf because pdf's freeze my computer if I don't right-click and open them properly. It's a pet peeve of mine when people don't warn me of it. So now you know. DON'T DO IT. peeve, peeve.
and: three skeins of Cash Iroha!!! Who was crazy enough to put this in the swap? Of course, someone probably thought the same thing about my Helen's Lace. This is going to be something for ME. I'm so excited about it. It has just a touch more green in it than appears in this photo. More tealish.
The stash swap was HUGE. There was handspun, there was fiber, there were tools and books and yahn. At the end, there was still a lot left, and Claudia said if it didn't go, someone was going to suffer bodily harm. So the last I saw, someone was stuffing the remainder into a huge bag and making away with it.
I'm a big fan of stash swaps. All knitters' and spinners' get-togethers should have them. Thanks again, Claudia!
I also took a little side trip with Claudia to her LYS. Though I was sorely tempted on a couple of items, I remained virtuous. I just bought yarn for my Better Pal, which I am not going to show here for obvious reasons. Although it might be fun to taunt the Better Pals, I won't. Oh, all right, there's a pic of it here if you really want to see it. But it won't be going out until the February package, which is the final package in this round. taunt, taunt
And I bought a skein of Trekking sock yarn for a gift. AND Carole gave me a skein of Vesper sock yarn that was her part of a trade that we engaged in a while back. Pretty, hm?
The red yarn for the scarf came in from joann.com, but guess whaaaaaat? Work, work, work is still coming in, in, in, and keeping me busy, busy, busy. I should still be able to finish my two scarves -- Friday evening and Saturday morning before the post office closes, if nothing else. So I'll "see" you when I come up for air every once in a while.
Brav-O! to all the commenters who are doing red scarves. I think those program organizers are going to plotz when they get their mail this week and next, don't you?
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