1. Taxes. The good news is I had a good year last year. The bad news is I had a good year last year. The checkbook of this freelancer says, "Ouuuuuuuuch."
2. Life throws curve balls and life is fragile. I can only be cryptic on this one.
3. When one door closes, another one (or two or three) opens? Maybe. And again, I can only be cryptic and cliche-ish, but it could be good. Only time will tell. I couldn't resist adding that, just to be a smartass.
4. I'm wondering what's the point of writing this list if I'm only going to be cryptic, trite, cliche-ish, and banal.
5. You're probably wondering the same thing.
6. Since I'm on a platitudinous roll, I might as well add this: Live and love to your fullest, as if it's your last day/hour/minute. This is not said just "because." It is relevant. More with the cryptic. Sorry.
7. It snowed and sleeted most of the day yesterday. When it wasn't snowing and sleeting, it was hailing. It's frickin' freezin' around here. Things are supposed to be very different by the end of the week, though. I'll believe it when I see it.
8. The lettuce seeds I planted last week have germinated. So did a couple of tomatoes I planted last week. Yay!
9. I planted lots of tomato seeds yesterday.
10. I really overdid it on the buying of the seeds this year. My eyes were bigger than my garden plot by a long shot. I bought enough seeds for a 10-acre farm, I think. (It's OK; they'll keep, if I'm careful with them.)
11. However, with all the seeds I bought, somehow there are no broccoli seeds. I know I ordered some. Must investigate what happened there.
12. I wanted to do my "H" entry today, and I have an idea for it, but the crappy weather has not been at all conducive to taking photographs.
13. I used some creative energy this weekend designing some new business cards. It was fun. I'd like to show you, but I can't figure out how to get a copy off the site I used.
14. I got a wonderful email from Martin this weekend. He says Mrs. Hudson novel #3 is coming along nicely. Of course, I must be mostly secretive on this one, too. (Are you pissed off at me yet?) This is the one with a character that is a tribute to me. Remember I told you about this a while ago? I love love love the way he has described that she is evolving (not entirely as he originally planned), and I can't wait to read the book.
15. I had a workout at the gym yesterday, but it was very low-energy. At least I got there, I suppose. It's been an off week for the gym all the way around. Must try to do better this week. I think it was worry that was keeping me from digging in and working out hard. Much of that worry has been alleviated now, so maybe I can get serious again this week.
16. Re Gordon What's-his-name I posted yesterday, I do not watch much TV -- I do not even know if we get the Food Network -- so I have no clue about these people. I only stumbled upon that video, which I thought was entertaining, while using Stumble Upon.
17. If you weren't feeling down before you read this, I bet you're feeling down now. Please take a number and form an orderly queue in the complaints line.
18. Gib (have you ever noticed that "Gib" sounds like her real name, "Kim," with a cold?) sent me this ad for a great new medicine from the makers of Damitol (finally the pharmaceutical companies have something that's worth something!) yesterday afternoon. It fits in perfectly with this post, I think:
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