Yesterday I learned of a knitting group that meets in the town where I grew up, and David had to do some campaign-related activities in the same town, so I decided to go along with him and find my people. And find them I did. You know what's so great? Knitters are knitters everywhere you go. Our hands all speak the same language.
It still kind of boggles my mind.
I knew a few of these ladies from my childhood, and some were new acquaintances last night, but the atmosphere was warmly welcoming, everybody was working on something nice, and it was just a fun, fun time.
FAB story being told by one of them: I don't think she remembered me, but I remembered her. She is about my mom's age, and she comes from the same town in rural Quebec. She's lived here as long as my mom and my aunt have, but is still a Canadian citizen. She was telling the story that her husband has been hounding her a bit for not doing enough. (Those French Canadian farmers; I'm tellin' ya!)
She said, "I said to him, I've got 49 pairs of mittens made -- I'm being productive!" He said, "But you aren't doing anything for your mind!"
So she went to her doctor and told him this story. Her doctor sent her home with a prescription for her health:
"Walk. Knit. Read."
"I posted it up on the refrigerator, and now my husband doesn't bother me about my knitting anymore."
Not doing anything for her mind?! She's reading charts, she is doing math, she is doing spatial reckoning, she's creating 3-dimensional objects, she is doing eye-hand coordination! <-----I said this to her.
Her eyes got kind of big. Hm. She hadn't thought of it that way. She just enjoys it, is all.
And, last night she was teaching a relatively new knitter how to read the directions and how to knit a mitten. Those are her helpful hands in the final photo down below. Well, two of those hands are hers. The third one is the person trying not to poke her own eyes out with her knitting needles out of frustration. (Kidding, Sherry!)
I even managed to add a few inches to my red scarf in progress. I amazed myself that I remembered the Corrugator stitch pattern after it had sat dormant for so long.
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