Hi friends. Here I am again. Lots of totally badass stuff has been happening! I opened a new business.
More accurately, I changed the name and structure and focus of my former business. But still.
We went solar!
This Sunday, the Fitter Knitters -- (a relay team composed of me and four of my New England and New York State knitting and blog friends) -- will be running the KeyBank Vermont City Marathon. I know! Can you even believe it? We have team shirts and everything! Ours are sapphire, and you can order your own if you want, in whatever color you want. We specifically designed them to be generic enough that any fitter knitter can get one if desired, and we can use them for various events -- not just tied to this one race.
The company was great to deal with, so I am happy to recommend them. They didn't give me anything (except great service) to say so.
BONUS: If you ask, they will put your name above "Will Run For Yarn" on the back. Somewhere kicking around on my iPhone or in Facebook or somewherrrrre, there is a selfie of me wearing my shirt, but damned if I can find it.
But I don't want you to get too distracted by all of that, because back to the title of this post:
One of the members of our team, Carol, is doing some fundraising tied to our marathon relay. And to help to sweeten the pot, she is having a stash giveaway.
She and her daughter are raising money for Cookies For Kids' Cancer <------ That link takes you to her donation page.
Here are the rules of the giveaway:
1. Each $10 donation gives you one chance to win. For example, $50 gets 5 chances to win, etc.
2. To be entered in the drawing the requisite number of times per your $10 donations, email your receipt to [email protected]
3. Donations to be credited in the drawing through end of Memorial Day, Monday, May 26, 2014.
4. Drawing on Tuesday, May 27, 2014.
Here are the things you could possibly win: (photos of the yarn follow, but not necessarily in the order of the things listed here)
Most of us have such banal and ordinary goals, like "I want to lose 10 pounds," "I want to stop drinking Diet Pepsi," "I want to be a millionaire before I'm 30." But not my friend Anne. I can't stop laughing at her comment, which was finished with, "I'm not sure Bhen is going to like the practice runs, though..."
This, my friends, is Bhen:
I love the way things turn out. (Honestly, how strange is life?) I used my most-oft-used "Random Number Generator," aka Sandy. I normally email her at work and say something along the lines of "Pick three numbers between 1 and 51." She'll shoot an email right back with her random choices. This time I nearly split a gut when her email came back and I checked the numbers. I couldn't be more pleased that one of the numbers landed on Anne: She is the originator of the idea, she entered the contest, saying "a girl can never have too many P-Mates," and she left that belly-laugh-worthy comment. Plus, I can just hear her voice and delivery of that comment. Thank you, Anne, and congratulations. May you meet your goal with grace and aplomb.
The other two winners of the P-Mates are Sally and Patty. Congratulations, ladies! You can now pee standing up! Write your name in the snow or the sand! Scare the neighbors! Or, in Anne's case, try not to pee on the horse.