Only Nominally a Knitting Blog. But Who Cares?

  • One L short of normal.

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    Friday, October 23, 2015


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    Hi Norma!
    Is this the re-birth of that blogging thing? I must do better, but fear I shall just end up writing a very long political rant. Maybe that's not such a bad idea...
    Nice to see you blogging again. Even better to see you knitting!


    knock knock back atcha. I was whining (just to myself) the other day about the decline of the blogging universe, the huge number of knit-bloggers from back in the day. The Friday eye-candy and the Saturday skies.... oh my. Anyways, nice to hear from you, and next year, dammit, I'm going to (try to) go to Rhinebeck! I love that you just bought a scarf and went for a drink!

    Rhonda from Baddeck

    How exciting - I LOVE reading your blog posts because they tell so much more than FB can. And … knitting?! Hurray for red scarves! I'm knitting my second one on vacation here in Cape Breton. It should be finished in plenty of time to wash and mail before the deadline. (I'm glad you cross-posted on FB, since I know you're not blogging (much), so I don't check for updates.)

    Judy Ouzts

    I'm semi-retiring soon, and one of my goals is to go to Rhinebeck, thanks to you and the Yarn Harlot and everyone. Maybe next year, who knows?


    Welcome back!


    Good to see you back!


    HAH! and WOOOT!
    When I saw the FB photo of your scarf I thought it looked like the Corrugator!


    LOVE the scarf you bought. It is absolutely beautiful. Love that you're knitting a Corrugator. I've knitted several of those since I first found the pattern on your blog. And speaking of your blog, welcome back. I always enjoyed your blog. It was about knitting but so much more. I'm hoping you'll be able to find the time & motivation to do it regularly vagain.

    Caroline M

    Hello there, you won't remember me because I don't think I ever commented. Today I will because you need the show of hands.


    Norma??? Is that really you? Glad to see you back in the Blogosphere. Next year, we really should meet up at Rhinebeck. I was there Sunday. It was a madhouse.

    Mary Lou

    Welcome back. Garden notes? I think of you when I see weird and humorous closed captioning error. I will check out the book club.


    I was literally thinking the other day, "Kay and Ann started blogging again...I wonder how Norma is doing? Does she even knit anymore?" and here you are! I didn't comment very much, but know I read every word back in the day. :-)


    Hey, hey, hey, one L short of Normal!!! You have been missed so much! I hope your garden does well, that Mr. Jeffries is still with us, and that you are still running? You look fabulous, by the way. The blogging universe is threatening to collapse in so many ways, but I think it is a shame. I think it does a lot to foster good things. I hope you get the urge to post again soon. WOOT!


    A blast from the past! It was great to hear from you. All the bloggers I read went to Rhinebeck. Guess it will be necessary to put it on the bucket list!


    I have missed you Norma, glad to see that you are back for a minute or 2. Rhinebeck looks like fun, I plan on going next year.


    Hi Norma,I'm still here. What's in the air that got you and Kay and Ann blogging again? You were all greatly missed.


    Welcome home! You've been missed. SO MUCH!!!
    (I don't FaceBook, so you vanished entirely to me...)


    Now Norma's back!? The smart people seem to flee the festival, although that scarf is stunning and worth the trip! Seriously, you grow younger every time I see you.


    This makes me so happy! Between that and the knitting, I would think we were back to the early to mid 2000s. Love that Facebook has not only kept us connected, but forged a friendship. I do miss your writing!


    Wait. Whut?!??


    Paint my gobsmacked! I'll chime in and say I was just thinking of you on Friday. I was cooking with some fresh local veggies and thought to myself, "I should email Norma and see what she's up to." Glad to see you back. I'm still knitting every day, don't have a garden anymore (it was a ratatouille garden and I don't do nightshades anymore due to the fact that they aggravate my {only 54 year old} joints), and am getting ready to start a palindrome scarf (which I first saw on your blog as a great scarf for the Red Scarf Project) for my nephew's first winter at Regis University in Denver. He's from SC and will need it! Hope you stick around a bit!

    ~~Mary, in Gainesville~~


    Hey! Nice to see you at the blog again. You've been missed! Hope you and Mr. Jeffries are well!

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