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    « 5K No. 10 And We're Doin' All Right | Main | Wow. It's October 23, 2015. »

    Saturday, July 05, 2014


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    Rhonda from Baddeck

    You'll be the YOUNGEST in your new age bracket, so blow those 'older ladies' out of the water!


    I understand the urge to improve, but you need to remember that the goal is to be fit and it is not necessary to be competitive to do that. You are like me, intellectually aware that you don't want to get hurt, but emotionally you want to be the best! Give it up, GF, you will last longer just doing what you are already doing. Turtle vs. hare, and all that rot. You are doing fabulous, so just enjoy your successes, and you have having many.


    Way to go, Norma. From where I sit (haha) you're doing fabulously!!


    you haven't failed, you've overachieved. Way to go!

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