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    « A Rare Peek Into What It Is I Do For A Living | Main | 5K No. 10 And We're Doin' All Right »

    Monday, June 16, 2014


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    Savory. I'm not sure I've ever tasted summer savory. That might be just the thing to plant in my last container. I'm so glad you are still a SL,UT!! Congratulation on your many races this year. I'm very impressed!


    What a beautiful snake, I hope he sticks around and keeps eating your slugs. Congrats on the races. I have a very old jar of savory in my cupboard, I don't think it has much zing left.


    Wow, what a pretty snake! We have a couple garter snakes in our garden - I wish I could get over that "zero at the bone" feeling when I see them because they do so well at keeping the mice and pests at bay. On the other hand, they're also pretty skittish when they wake up and see me. ;-) Congrats on the runs AND the $ saving. Wow, and I felt good about getting our electric bill under $100 last month.

    Joan in Reno

    Try the savory on eggs or veggies. It's one of my favorite herbs.


    We have savory and sorrel in the garden this year for the first time. Glad to have some direction on using the savory. Will you come redo my compost bins?


    Congrats on all the races you've run. Very impressive field you're running with.
    Love the solar panel info, too. How does it feel to be a bit 'off the grid'?

    Pai You Guo Capsules

    thanks Pai You Guo Capsules is very effective

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