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    « Open UP Your Wallets. You Know You Want To. | Main | Savory-ing The Summer »

    Friday, June 13, 2014


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    Kathode Ray Tube

    That's hard work! We had CART at our graduation at MIT and we also use remote CART for our staff meetings. Nice job, Norma!

    Rhonda from Baddeck

    Wow. You really had your hands full! There were times I couldn't understand what she said, but you stayed with her! I thought her speech was much more interesting than a 'conventional' speech.


    I'm just amazed that the med school is named for Dr Seuss!


    Whoa! She really was fast! Go, you, for keeping up so magnificently!
    It was a great speech, too. Way more honest than most commencement speeches...

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