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    « If Each One Of My Blog Readers Just Donated $2..... | Main | Open UP Your Wallets. You Know You Want To. »

    Monday, May 26, 2014


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    I love you. All of you. You are awesome. And then some! Run on, my friend! xo

    Rhonda from Baddeck

    Sounds like you had a blast! That's a great idea to run it as a relay - having friends to run with makes it so much better.


    Congratulations! I'm entered in the Army Ten Miler in October. I'll probably walk it as that's what my sister does and she invited me to join. I can run a bit, but not 10 miles! I do have a few months to train, however, so we shall see!


    Woohoo!!! Go, you!!!


    Congratulations, you lot! What a great day.


    Whee! Now Norma Runs!

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