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    « Worm Farming | Main | Not Sure If You Are Out There But STASH SALE! »

    Saturday, March 15, 2014


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    Rhonda from Baddeck

    Posting twice in less than 24 hours? I like it! Sorry you had blocked (!) out the frogging part of the sweater. But good for you attacking those WIPs!

    Mary Ellen Kirkendall

    Your garden looks like mine did up until this morning. Apparently there was actual soil out there - who knew?


    Is that Mr J's favorite shrub?
    Good to see your snow disappearing. It gives me hope that mine will, too. (Though I think we cheated the other day with those hellish high winds - a lot of snow simply blew away rather than melting...)


    I just frogged my new project, not nearly so far in and started again with a different pattern. You gotta do what you gotta do.
    Nice to see ya, Norma. I know, I know Facebook....


    Good to hear from you, again, Norma! Sorry about your latest knitting project. Think we've all 'been there done that' in our knitting lifetimes. Mr. J is in fine forming giving it back to winter!!! Aren't we ALL done with it yet?

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