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    « It's a G'Day -- Courtesy of Norah Gaughan | Main | Mr. Jefferies Says Hey, From the Crook of My Elbow »

    Monday, November 11, 2013


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    Look at you go! Loving those buttons!


    LOVE the buttons! I asked copper, and with that gray? Gorgeous.


    Success breeds success! The sweater will be another fabulous one. I love the simplicity of the design and the yarn. The buttons are spot on!


    Especially love the look of those copper buttons with that grey!


    just hope you aren't putting that sassy beyotch in there...the sweater will do much nicer on you :) tis a pretty one.
    don't forget to ice/cool your wrists this time before it's an issue! or at least stretch once an hour (unwarranted advice courtesy of your friendly OT/massage therapist xo)


    Those buttons are of a level of gorgeousness where you would take them to the yarn store to find a yarn that looks good with them...
    Lucky you to have the yarn already in stash!


    Thanks for adding the link for those buttons. I have been searching high and low for copper buttons for my sweater and this seller has exactly what I wanted.


    Have you seen the Peace Fleece Lovers Forum on Ravelry? Just had a sweater KAL and are in the midst of a sock KAL - it's fun to see all the PF projects. You got me started with PF when you were knitting all those cute doggie sweaters.

    Kathode Ray Tube

    You are on a roll. I really love those copper buttons.


    Lovely! The buttons in particular are fab. Only time I consider losing weight is when I want to cast on a new sweater...

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