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    « Mr. Jefferies Says Hey, From the Crook of My Elbow | Main | Worm Farming »

    Sunday, November 24, 2013


    Feed You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post.


    I'm a real person!!! Congratulations! I think you're crazy, but congrats, anyway! (And I haven't updated my blog in months, but still feel the need to put it in that box down there.)


    You are completely crackers!
    As is my no.1 knitting buddy, who started running two years ago. She's just run the Keilder Marathon!
    I think she's mad, but I am incredibly proud of her. Same goes for you!

    Spam! It's blocking my ability to blog. Seriously.


    I keep going into my account to try other variations on the verify. Nothing has helped. What a job.


    "Jefferies. Mr Jefferies." (He looks so dapper!)
    We had knock-me-down winds over on our side of the state. I hope it wasn't that bad over where you were running.


    damnable feedly... I had to go find you online to type a comment, we'll see if I actually can, because I want to tell you

    It's been me, I have a lot of time on my hands, so I've been spamming you.

    WHOA! 5K in F weather! Cripes woman!

    Heya Mr. J!!!!

    Rhonda from Baddeck

    Bravo, Norma! Glad you came through OK. Go for the 12/12 goal - maybe you can find one or two in warmer climates (if your schedule allow you to travel). So glad to hear you're able to run again!


    The only part of your post that made any sense to me was, "I've run another 5K! In just under three months" Okay, so maybe that wasn't exactly what you meant, but it made sense to me!


    Awesome! What a wonderful goal you've set for yourself-we all know you're gonna do it!!


    Well, it's official. You ARE a runner now! Go, Norma, go! (And a virulent, oozing pox on those professional spammers!)


    Happily, the blogspammers haven't found my blog. Yet.
    ::fingers crossed::
    Maybe you should look for a December 5K in, say, Florida. Or Arizona.


    You are a trooper, Norma!
    You really don't want to run in Jan. and Feb. though, do you? They are for another sport called knitting.

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