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    « Finishing, Part 3 | Main | What's Gotten Into Me?! »

    Sunday, November 10, 2013


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    Warm and cozy is good. Sweet colors!


    Sweet MERCIES! Norma, it's gorgeous, LOVE the colours (!!) and it's quite fetching on you!
    The toddler staring at it and wanting to touch it, no.. can't get much better than that.
    I'm lovin' that skirt too.


    It is lovely and perfect for the fall/early winter. Especially when driving. I love it! LOVE.


    Fabulous! There's nothing like a good jacket sweater. It looks super comfy, and that yarn is even prettier when you see the whole sweater.


    Love it! Very jealous of this!


    It's gorgeous, and so absolutely YOU!
    Well done!


    It's wonderful, Norma!!

    Jennifer B. / Brooklyn

    Ooooooh. I want one! It looks lovely, and it looks lovelier on you. Nice work!

    Mary K. in Rockport

    The sleeve caps look like they fit in nicely after all. Beautiful late autumn colors.


    Lovely! Gorgeous colors for you!


    You know, it looks great to me, especially with that skirt! You look just like a beautiful autumn maple.


    Love it!

    Ya know, it would have been better if a beautiful young man saw it, stared at it, and wanted to touch it. ;^)


    Marvelous, Norma! You're going to wear and wear this sweater.


    It looks great! Enjoy wearing it!

    Lois Budnitsky

    Great job. Love the fall colors too.


    I've been trying to make more fitted sweaters... but I keep reaching for the boxy/comfy ones.

    And hey, look, you're still blogging! And I finally updated the iPad and got feedly app and found you. Technological wonders never cease.

    We'll see if I can ever get into my blog again... I think the place that was hosting it went out of business... (it was a whopping $15/yr)


    Such great colors for you!

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