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    « Gale Zucker and Rhinebeck Style! | Main | Now She Runs? »

    Wednesday, October 23, 2013


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    Gotta love when you unearth a nearly done sweater. That will make for some cozy wearing this winter.

    Seanna Lea

    Actual knitting content. Very nice sweater in progress. I am not getting quite as much knitting done right now, so it is nice to live vicariously via the blogs.


    Glad the food choices have made a difference. I haven't had to take Motrin for hand pain since I gave up the nightshades. Sad, but true. I lived for Wednesday night red sauce... Can't wait to see the finished sweater!


    I remember when you started that sweater! That yarn is soooo your colors. Gonna look great on you!


    It's beautiful and should be fabulous when you're done! Would love a post about the diet changes. Got some hand related aches and pains that I'd love to see disappear!

    Lois Budnitsky

    Love to see that you feel like posting again. I agree with Patty that I would love to hear about your diet changes. Maybe I could use some of those changes too. Glad to read of your adventures.


    I'm so glad your back blogging. I did miss your wit!! I hoped that all was well~Thanks for your time!


    Hey, you almost have a new wardrobe! Just in time for fall, and that thing that comes after fall, that is not spring...or summer!

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