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    « Starring For Dinner: Arugula, Roasted Beets, and Sauteed Beet Greens | Main | Rhinebeck Roomies Since 2004 »

    Sunday, October 06, 2013


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    Carolyn Bolivar

    Beautiful photos and that's some good looking dirt there.


    Smith has the ground nearly ready for his garlic planting. He planted about 300 head last year and we'll do about the same next year. Yesterday I made potato leek soup, the last of our garden goodies.
    We are lucky to have gardens, the desire to have fresh food, and know what to do with it!


    I thought about planting some garlic this weekend too, but I ran out of pots and even though you *can* plant veggies in plastic bags, I don't really want bags of dirt on my patio all winter.


    What'dya plant? I put in two purple varieties that originated in the Republic of Georgia. It's my first time growing garlic. Wih me luck! (We had Swiss Chard in an African stew for dinner. I'm getting really creative with it this time of year!)


    Making a note to myself to plant garlic. Though the one time in recent years that I remembered to do that, the lambs got out of their pen and ate every last bit of it as it was coming up, so I'm a little gunshy...


    I'm so glad you're back. The picks of the field greens have me psyched to go out and plant some during our mild NC weather.

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