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    « Salsa Saturday | Main | Garlic Planting Day »

    Sunday, September 15, 2013


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    Re: the bees. Contact local beekeepers. They'll, at least, know who to contact/ what to do.


    I concur on the H2O. Drink up, Norma. Hope you're feeling better sooner rather than later...


    Mmmmm... (The beet greens, not the anaerobic compost!)


    According to Wikipedia, you are supposed to be 57-60% water. Get to work! (They also say that human infants are about 75% water – which explains an awful lot!)


    Thank goodness we have a BIG pile of compost and a tractor to turn it over. Maybe if you put in a small hive the bees will gravitate to it, but calling an apiary might be a better way to go. Maybe a day of rest with fluid intake is a good way to go. xoxo


    Yum to the beets and greens! I've also got a compost bee problem. Bumble bees. Not sure what to do about it but colder weather may take care of it. Waiting to see.


    I see you still know how to have a good time in the garden! :D

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