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    « When Worlds Collide (Garden Update) | Main | Someone's Gonna Have A Dapper New Jacket »

    Saturday, August 24, 2013


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    Seanna Lea

    I'm hoping to get back into running once my baby is born. I feel like such a slug just doing dog walking no matter how far some of the walks get.


    Yay! You're back. Go Norma.


    Raising my hand! I remember and miss Saturday Sky!
    Congrats on the run. :)


    You go grrl!!! How exciting to run your first 5K. I'm impressed and excited for you.
    Shoes are KEY. Well fitting shoes ARE worth every penny. I did the same when I decided to get back into walking. Between walking and pilates I've never felt better. (well, at this age, anyway)


    Big yes to structured shoes and to competent running stores! As a girl with high arches I've always needed a stability shoe to help keep my pronation from causing me problems. I recently invested in a pair of Newtons that I am absolutely in love with.

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