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    « The Only Presidential Endorsement That Really Matters | Main | Breaking: Red Scarf News »

    Tuesday, November 20, 2012


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    Both those photos are just too adorable for words, Mr Jefferies. :)


    Mr. J, you crack me up! I nearly snorted granola...


    Awwww ...


    Awwwww... Do you even need to ask, Mr J?
    I think I have a red scarf left over somewhere, too. Must hunt it up!


    Cute sweater for a cute dog. It looks about the right size to be a neckwarmer for our dog.

    Seanna Lea

    I think they are both cute, but I love the idea of more rescu(t)e dogs finding their forever homes.


    Mr. J---My Yorkie gives about 1,000 times more than she gets, even when she pees on the carpet. Have a good Thanksgiving, Little Man---don't work too hard cooking the turkey and all that other food.


    Both those pups are sweet but we know Mr.J, and love him


    OMG!!! (My contribution to "Use Exclamation Marks Day")Two very heart melting photos. I noticed which one has a pillow with tassels. (I mean !!!)

    Dorothy B.

    I just realized you're back and safe, Mr.Jeffies, and Alpha too! Uh oh, better not show our two doggies those photos or they'll be "hounding" me for tassels now. Please be sure to thank Alpha for her vote because without votes like hers, I would have dropped dead from dread and wouldn't be here to admire you anymore!


    Dear Mr J,

    Isn't it just wonderful to rescue a person? They are so sweet and helpful once they realize that you are staying. Mine, just yesterday, fixed the bathroom drawer so I couldn't eat the toilet paper anymore.




    Good to hear from you Mr. J!

    Botanical Slimming

    Time and again as he battled for his bill, Mr Obama promised voters that “If you like your plan, you can keep it

    Rhonda from Baddeck

    That looks like it will be a lovely sweater, Mr. J. It's a good thing you needed a new one, or that red scarf could have been missing for another year!

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