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    « Terrier Tuesday -- Just a Cute Photo of Cute Me | Main | The Only Presidential Endorsement That Really Matters »

    Monday, October 29, 2012


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    It's so nice to see you blogging again, Mr. Jefferies. Thank you for the link to the Red Scarf Project page. I have my scarf finished and was just thinking that I needed to track down the address.

    Glad to hear you and Norma are well. *vibes, etc., for Abigail & NY*

    Rhonda from Baddeck

    So glad to hear from you, Mr. Jefferies! I'm working on my 4th red scarf now. I hope you stay safe and dry from the storm, and that your Abigail makes it through safely. This one looks like a whopper - we're getting some strong wind from it all the way in Michigan!


    So glad you're back, missed your voice. (You too, Norma)


    yo Mr. J and Ms. A! looks like we've calmed down up here on the UWS (upper west side, for those not in the know) - and Upper is the operative word here ...but I shouldn't say that too loudly - puy puy puy!

    stay safe up in the GREEN state!



    Great to see all is well with Mr. Jeffries and the rest of the household. My husband (who reads no other blogs) has been lamenting on Nora's (blog) silence, so he will be delighted to read the post. Hope Abigail fared okay in NYC.


    Norma! I mean, Mr. Jeffries!
    I was surprised to see your blog come up in my reader this morning, thinking you have permanently defected to the sound-bite land of FB.

    Just got the power back on this morning. Yes, even we southern Ontarians feel The Sandy. Still freight-train-through-the-trees windy

    Good to hear from you.

    Mary K. in Rockport

    Oh, hello! I bet Governor Christie is not going to refuse federal help for storm damage in New Jersey.... Tenterhooks are what we're on here in Massachusetts, politically speaking, while outrageous lies from the other side (which starts with R) fill the airways.


    Hi Mr. J!
    So good to have you & Alpha back!!!!!!!!!! Hope Abigail made it through the storm ok in NYC. Don't get me started on the election either-I live in a 'swing state' and the mute button on the tv remote is my best friend.

    Red scarves rule!


    Was thinking of you just this last weekend. Glad to hear something from "our Norma" even if it really was Mr. J... Missed you!


    Mr Jeffries--gladyou qnd Alpha are back! You candy corn scarf reminds me of a my dog, Snickers. he loved scarves and would get visibly upset when I took one off of him. Then when he got a nice clean scarf to replace it, he would preen and show off.

    Your Alpha put me onto Jon Stewart which comes on very late at night here. So, we teevo it every day and enjoy it immensely! Go Obama--I cast my vote for him yesterday!

    Ear scratches! Jo


    So glad to hear from you and that everyone is doing well. My knitting group has a stack of red scarves that I'll be delivering soon (Foster Care to Success's office is about 15 min. from me).


    So happy to hear from you. Any Magpie you want to part with?


    Glad to hear your voice!! And glad to hear all is good, if busy, up there. I am still surprised to say that I am fine in Philly. Frankly... This storm was a bit nutsy, but Sue and I are fine and thinking of all those who aren't fine. Thanks for the update!! Take good care of yourselves!


    So glad to see you both back! Welcome. I hope all is well in NY and in Vermont. We escaped relatively unscathed in Boston, but now (Tuesday night) there is lightning and thunder and a torrential downpour. Thanks for posting.


    Mr. J, so great to hear from you again! Tell Alpha that we miss her, and hope your Abigail is safe.


    We've missed you, Little Man. I trimmed the hair around my Yorkie's eyes last night, and it has taken until this morning for us to get back on speaking terms. I don't have the thermostat turned up very high, so she's exceptionally affectionate this morning, even though I think she's probably still a little bit mad.


    Welcome back and so long Sandy! You've both been missed!


    So glad you're back! You were missed....

    Robin V

    So good to hear from you! Bonnie the Beagle was just asking how you fared the storm. And we did get our Red Scarf knitted and mailed off.

    Don't be a stranger!


    So glad you and Alpha are blogging again. I hope the worst of the wind and weather pass you by. And Mr J- we all must suffer for beauty!


    Look what the wind blew back! YAY!
    I was off-line for too long. When I got back on-line, everyone had gone. I am so glad to hear you are rockin' the Halloween style!

    Lois Budnitsky

    Gave a try at your blog today and lo and behold. So glad to see you back. Don't go away for so long next time. I'm one of the NJ hurricane sufferers but this afternoon we first got power ,no heat but one thing at a time. I didn't know whether you had abandoned us or not. Keep in touch. Your fans look for you.

    Seanna Lea

    I'm glad that you are better off in VT than most. I just wish I could say the same thing about all of the friends and coworkers I know in NY and NJ.


    Dear Mr Jeffries,

    I think you are now the size of my head. (I'm a big dog now!) (Momma says to stop it - I'm still 6 mo old and I'm not grown yet.)

    I am glad you are o.k. and sorry about Alpha being busy. I bring my mom yarn from time to time. I make her play chase with me. Make sure your Alpha has some fun too.

    Wags and woofs,



    It's good to know that everybody is OK, just busy. BTW, I started my 2012 scarf last night, and found you had posted again when I entered "Red Scarf Project" as a search term. (To double-check details such as scarf dimensions and mailing address.) You came up first!


    Welcome back! Missed you both!

    elizabeth a airhart

    oh joy and relief
    i was born elizabeth nj
    and remember the big ones
    but never like this one
    red scarf mailed off
    world vision in ny
    accepts knitted hats
    and scarfs for sandy victims
    abby hope you are safe

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