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    « #captionTHIS | Main | Terrier Tuesday -- Just a Cute Photo of Cute Me »

    Tuesday, June 12, 2012


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    Looks beautiful. It just so happens that I got my new King Arthur catalog today but like you, I cannot bake much any more mostly because if I bake something I will scarf it down in a couple of days and when I say couple of days I really mean the same day I bake.


    When I was there in October on my way home from Rhinebeck, the only bathrooms were in a portable trailer. The new updated store looks beautiful. I may need to make a trip to VT to check it out.


    Funny I was JUST there on Friday with my son! It is amazing- We were on our way from one college visit to the next and managed a stop first at WEBS and then at King Arthur- ( smart mom).


    Wow! Thanks for the pictures. I've been using King Arthur flour for baking's the best! Now you make me want to take a road trip to visit-all the way from Virginia!


    I've never been to the store but always use King Arthur flour, and I used to buy quite a bit from their catalog; mostly gadgets for my kids and myself. I did buy their yogurt maker years ago and still use it. The store looks beautiful.


    So jealous! We love KA Flour -- even more so now that we are (read must be) gluten free. Their GF Brownie Mix is awesome and I always have a couple in the pantry. I've been watching their new store progress on their blog and if I'm ever in Vermont I plan to visit. What did you get?


    Well that totally beats the joy I had in receiving their latest catalog in the mail today.

    Bev S.

    I so want to go there and take a class.


    It's beautiful... the pee place and the rest of it! And I thought I was odd taking photos of pee places when I was in Spain... hahahaha


    I use King Arthur recipes from their website all the time. Great stuff!
    Love all the wood they used - what a beautiful store. (I keep promising myself a visit someday...)


    I really, really wish I lived closer. I've only ordered from them via mail order and would love to see it IRL.

    Lori on Little Traverse Bay

    Lucky, lucky you! I love King Arthur flours.

    What a beautiful place they are building!

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    It just so happens that I got my new King Arthur catalog today but like you, I cannot bake much any more mostly because if I bake something I will scarf it down in a couple of days and when I say couple of days I really mean the same day I bake.

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