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    « The Answer is Captioning, Captioning, and More Captioning | Main | #captionTHIS »

    Tuesday, June 05, 2012


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    Wow! It seems like just yesterday that she started school! (Yeah, I know, I'm becoming an old fart with that language.) Congrats Abigail!


    Big congrats to Abigail! And it does seem like only yesterday...
    Give her an extra big smooch from all of us, Mr J!


    Congratulations Abigail!


    Well done, Abigail! Congratulations!!


    Does this mean Mr. Jefferies will be moving back to live with Abigail now that she's done with school? Is he ready to be a city dog?


    Many, many congratulations to Abigail!


    Congratulations to Abigail! I have to show this to my daughter, it's something she aspires to.


    Congratulations to the kid. Of course, now I want to know if she is going to stay in NY, if she has a job yet, when she'll take the bar exam, etc., etc. -- none of which is really any of my business. I do know that she has a bright future and I'm sure her mom and dad are very, very proud (as they should be).

    Rhonda from Baddeck

    High achievement runs in the family - Congratulations, Abigail! Sorry to see the ceremony wasn't captioned, but I'm glad that Alpha wasn't CARTing it so she could concentrate on being a PROUD MOM!

    Robin V

    Great achievement for Abigail - congrats!

    Gail H.

    Congratulations Abigail! What a wonderful achievement. You must be very proud Norma!


    Congratulations Abs (and Norma)!! How time goodness, didn't see just enter school?

    Dorothy B

    Very impressive. Congrats to her and her proud parents!


    Congratulations to Abigail. I hope it's the beginning of bright future for her. My husband graduated from St. John's Law School in 1984. The photos brought back his memories of the day.

    eskort bayan

    God bless you Pamela,and God bless these sheep from among the wolves.Walid Shoebat's book GOD'S WAR ON TERROR documents,with Biblical and koranical proof,that Islam is the Antichrist Beast.God bless you all,stay safe,remember"be as gentle as lambs but as wise as serpents."

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