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    « Terrier Tuesday: Juris Doctor Edition | Main | The New King Arthur Flour Store/Cafe/Baking School -- Yeah, WOW, Man! »

    Wednesday, June 06, 2012


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    omg, the floor is GORGEOUS!!
    I am well aware of quite a bit of what you've been doing... ;D


    I want Typepad to give the ability to "like" the comments in our blogs. Geesh. I'm always coming in here to do just that, and then realize...oh, wait. That's not for here.


    That's really a fabulous video! ... off to see if I can find it online... the ipad is great for laying in bed and reading blogs, but not so much for actually sharing anything on fb.

    What I loved about the video is its silence... we have no idea. (we the hearing have no idea...)


    Totally awesome video! And, OMG, the floor! The floor! ::swoon, thud::

    (Yeah, it's an exclamation overload post.)


    You really rock! Glad you're back here with your "'tude"; you're an inspiration!!


    Wonderful video! The inaccessible quote is brilliant.


    Norma, you do have the BEST things! I posted a link to the video on facebook and then tagged my state senator with a comment on how this is something that should be pushed for all state and local meetings and sessions.

    p.s. the floor is gorgeous!

    elizabeth a airhart

    hello dolly nice to see you looking grand and sassy
    happy days to the grad

    it's so hot here in florida but i remember
    june up north going out
    to farm stands for the first of the spring fresh veg fest enjoy enjoy


    Love hardwood floors. First thing I did when we moved in our new home in Ohio -- ripped up the carpet and installed hardwood floors in the few places that didn't have it already. The video is great! I taught deaf children and know first hand the frustration they had. Thanks for posting the issue.

    Kathode Ray Tube

    Hi Norma, I work in accessibility and Assistive technology. I passed your article on to some colleagues who are tweeting it around! Thanks a lot!

    medyum hoca

    Add the wine and stir vigorously to ensure nothing is sticking to the pan, then add the chicken stock, rosemary and preserved lemon. Stir in the mustard and mix well, then turn down the heat, cover and allow to simmer for 15 mins or so, until the chicken is cooked through and the sauce is beginning to reuce and thicken.

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