Hey. I'm raising some money to buy a new steno machine as a backup to the lovely new machine I bought last year. I love the new machine -- I believe it has made an amazing difference in the health of my hands and forearms -- and also in my writing accuracy -- so much that I'm going to buy another one. It's the Stenograph Wave, and it's fabulous. It is really supposed to be the "student's" machine. It has no internal memory, so it would not be suitable for a court reporter, but it is perfect for someone like me who does exclusively CART and captioning.
I've gotten so busy (knock wood) that I can't afford to ever be without a machine if anything were to go wrong, or, say, if I ran over it or something. NOT that I have ever done anything that stupid. *cough*
And let's face it: I have way too much yarn. More than three lifetimes' worth. Well, since I haven't knit a stitch in months, it's more than an infinity's worth at this rate. Time to hoe out and bring it down to a reasonable level. Well, as reasonable as I can make it.
It turns out that eBay has gone the way of gmail and Facebook, and made everything twice as hard. Where is the progress with these geeks, I ask you! Why do they always take something that's good and fiddle with it until it's downright unpleasant? Or I don't know -- maybe I've just gotten older and more crotchety. I'm exhausted after listing just a few things.
But! Go take a look at my listings, starting here:
I'll continue dribbling out listings until I either drop from exhaustion or I have enough money to buy a new car -- I mean a new steno machine -- or both. So you know the drill -- pass it on to all your friends -- pass it on to your significant others who might want to buy you a nice Mother's Day gift -- bid high, bid often, and all that jazz. Have fun buying my stuff!
I haven't sold anything on eBay in years, but they were already complicating things then. I can't even imagine what they may have done by now.
It seems to be some kind of Internet Disease - this taking of something that works well and tinkering with it until it's a shambles. I don't get it...
Posted by: gayle | Sunday, April 22, 2012 at 08:02 AM
I feel that way (crotchety) about facebook and about youtube...
My boss's husband ran over his laptop and eyeglasses the other day... neither was damaged! The glasses case was busted up, but the glasses were fine.
You just have all the luck!
If you are after that fancy car, get listing woman!
Posted by: lisa | Sunday, April 22, 2012 at 09:46 AM
I was on a business trip when a coworker ran over another coworker's laptop with his presentation for the meeting on it. Talk about awkward! Evidently this happens more than people think.
Good luck with your sale. I am watching an item myself, even though I should be listing things!
Posted by: Becky | Sunday, April 22, 2012 at 10:38 AM
Norma, you are brilliant! I finally cleaned out my cache on Google Chrome, and I can now comment. I repeat, you are brilliant. My husband and I thank you for today's lesson.
Posted by: Becky | Sunday, April 22, 2012 at 01:19 PM
Can't believe no one has said it... that machine is one sexy little machine! seriously.
Posted by: Marianne | Sunday, April 22, 2012 at 02:02 PM
We used it on dark coloured carpets when we where moving house though so it was hard to tell how much it did.
Posted by: scottsdale carpet cleaning | Tuesday, May 01, 2012 at 10:43 PM
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Posted by: Ray Ban Aviator | Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at 09:19 PM