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    « The Trauma is Still Fresh and What's That You Say? Butterflies in Vermont on April 17??????? | Main | I Didn't Expect So Much Drama From a Simple Stash Sale »

    Saturday, April 21, 2012


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    I haven't sold anything on eBay in years, but they were already complicating things then. I can't even imagine what they may have done by now.
    It seems to be some kind of Internet Disease - this taking of something that works well and tinkering with it until it's a shambles. I don't get it...


    I feel that way (crotchety) about facebook and about youtube...

    My boss's husband ran over his laptop and eyeglasses the other day... neither was damaged! The glasses case was busted up, but the glasses were fine.

    You just have all the luck!

    If you are after that fancy car, get listing woman!


    I was on a business trip when a coworker ran over another coworker's laptop with his presentation for the meeting on it. Talk about awkward! Evidently this happens more than people think.
    Good luck with your sale. I am watching an item myself, even though I should be listing things!


    Norma, you are brilliant! I finally cleaned out my cache on Google Chrome, and I can now comment. I repeat, you are brilliant. My husband and I thank you for today's lesson.


    Can't believe no one has said it... that machine is one sexy little machine! seriously.

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    We used it on dark coloured carpets when we where moving house though so it was hard to tell how much it did.

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    * * * * * * * * * by heichezi

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