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    « Terrier Tuesday -- The "I Despair of These People" Edition | Main | Yarn and Book Stash Sale -- You Know You Want It »

    Wednesday, April 18, 2012


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    Your garden is already making me look like a slacker, but I'm determined to actually grow some stuff with the kids this year. I'm in the process of assembling supplies.

    Oh, and the poor dear thing. Hopefully he doesn't hold it against you for too long.

    Seanna Lea

    Poor Mr. Jeffries.

    It is supposed to be in the upper 40s on Sunday and raining, but the rest of the week is the 50s or better. Makes me wish I could bottle these summer days for when I actually need them.

    Mary Lou

    I harvested ASPARAGUS 2 weeks ago. In minnesota. It is freaky. But it was sure delicious. My chard and spinach look like yours. I may go crazy and plant some green beans this weekend.


    Isn't this weather crazy? We usually spend April whining for warmth...


    It must be the year for those butterflies, as we have had swarms of them! They were especially fond of our lilacs, which bloomed beautifully this year, but lost most of their blooms in this week's high winds. My husband thinks they might be Red Admirals, but I'm terrible at identifying butterflies and moths.


    Mr. Jefferies is one smart cookie. I always feel like I'm a horrible person when I find something like that cute (even if my heart is breaking at the same time), but I suppose crippling guilt wouldn't help him either. I hope he gets back to normal soon!

    Also, completely off topic here, but I think your camera may be set for "Tungsten" white balance (or "Indoor," depending on what your camera calls it). Just a heads up, since your pictures look blue today.

    Robin V

    Today Bonnie & I ran into a swarm of those butterflies as well - I've never seen so many at one time. Another dog walker stopped to chat about it - but the dogs, frankly, couldn't have cared less.

    I was curious to know what to call a group of butterflies... came across these names: a swarm, a rabble, a kaleidoscope, a flight, a flutter, a rainbow.

    sinful bikini

    I usually like wind.
    This idiom refers to something that floats lightly in the wind like the smell of freshly baked bread.
    By yzi11

    Gardening Birmingham

    Im really jealous of the weather your getting. Its been pouring with rain over here in the UK. My garden is looking really lush though but would love some 80 degree weather.

    elizabeth a airhart

    poor baby li'l darling does he not have
    a wee door of his own

    no matter the camera setting the butterfly
    photo looks like a very fine japanese
    painting quite lovely


    Beautiful photos of the butterflies and blossoms, but now it's Sunday and you have snow on the ground and hummingbirds twittering around?


    ps love Edith Ann. and fresh out of the garden spinach. one of my very favourites. mmm.

    pest control

    It's definitely flea dirt and your pet has fleas!

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