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    « Terrier Tuesday -- The Mouse Edition | Main | Want To Get Your Mind Boggled? »

    Wednesday, April 11, 2012


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    Smith worked in the garden all day today, that is until the rain drove him in. We'll have bad weather for a few days and it's unlikely we'll get much (more) planted. Can't wait for growing (and harvesting) season!

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    By yzi11
    People have this thing about backpackers.
    Lai ba qin!


    So jealous of your garden. Think I'll go plant shopping this weekend. Perhaps I'll order a cold frame, too. Who knew April in the mid-Atlantic would be colder than the entire winter?

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    A good book is a good friend. **


    I love broccoli raab and when I lived in upstate NY, I could get it at any grocery store. Here in central IL, I have to travel about 40miles to a store that carries it. Maybe I'll grow some this year!


    We grew broccoli raab last year for the first time, and also like it very much. It's on our list for this year.
    Peas going in this weekend. Hurray for gardening!

    Jennifer B. / Brooklyn

    Yum! This makes me want to run out and get some fresh greens to eat. So sad that this small Brooklyn apartment is only good for growing houseplants.

    David Grist, Gardener's Supply

    Nice work with the Grow Beds. I'm glad they're holding up well for you. -David Grist, Gardener's Supply

    elizabeth a airhart

    dear norma and mr jeffries
    i hope you both are in good enough
    shape to out run the bears tis spring time
    and your garden and bird houses look edible


    Just ordered 2 more grow beds to replace my last two 14 yr old rotting cedar ones from the same place on Friday. Looks like you are a GS celebrity! :-)

    Looks like you also got yourself spammed a bit. Ugh.

    Seanna Lea

    It feels hard to believe that the growing season is already here. We went from the winter that wasn't to super toasty temps for Marathon Monday.

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