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    « Terrier Tuesday -- Tenacity Edition | Main | A Bit of a Red Scarf Update -- With Photos of the Bounty »

    Tuesday, December 06, 2011


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    Good thing you schooled that squirrel!


    Dear Mr. Jeffries, I hacked into my people's account to tell you how much I love you. My people kept telling me I was gay, and I never believed them, but I guess they were right. We should hang sometime.

    <3 Saul

    Erin N.

    Tell your Alpha that the sweater looks beautiful, as do the buttons. Now, with regards to that squirrel, you don't think he was sick, do you? Not that I don't have faith in your squirrel-catching abilities, of course...


    Well, at least Mr Squirrel was more civilized than Mr Stinky...


    So sorry Alpha is going through a rough patch! I am sure she still takes grand care of you, but perhaps she needs to take care of herself! Come on, admit it, you never meant to catch that squirrel!

    marie danis

    Mr. Jeffries. your cute little toes match those copper buttons. Keep up the great security work!


    Dear Mr. Jeffries - our current wildlife problem involves the invasion of moles. There are holes everywhere! The boss would love for me to root them out, but I usually just come away with my head covered in mud. Good work on teaching that squirrel a thing or two! Yours in critter patrol, Pepper

    gale (she shoots sheep shots)

    Dear Mr J,
    Word. I had the same experience with a raccoon just last month. There I was, stunned, with the hairy invader in my mouth- which proportionately is sort of like you and the squirrel. Or, maybe not, I am a beefy kind of bulldog. Anyhoo, next time do as I did: shake you head back and forth as hard as you can with the critter in your mouth, no need to chomp down, till it is more like a rubber toy. Then drop it and scram as your Person runs around the yard flapping their arms and yelling. They'll lure you away with some kind of Really Excellent Treat (as IF we want to eat something that hairy as a raccoon or squirrel) and they'll bag the carcass. I don't know what they do with it, but I can tell you it wasn't cooked and served in my bowl.
    Nice work, J! Smooches from King Bobo


    Mr Jeffries,

    What King Bobo said :)

    Excellent work keeping the ground safe from furry varmints! Be vigilant - they are sneaky.


    Oh my god. I always wondered what would happen if a squirrel-crazed dog ever actually caught one.


    Hah! Mr.J, you are beyond (as in waaaay) cute. How funny, I got this visual of you with a squirrel in your mouth.. thinking that squirrel was probably close in size to you,hee.
    Alpha's sweater sure is looking good and love the buttons!
    You keep after your grand domain, keep those critters in line!

    Justin Bieber Shoes

    She finally got in to see her Wonder Therapist (not Cindy, but Cindy has hired someone else with the same training), and now she's doing pretty fine -- or at least much better than before. So, she says, hopefully she will get back to the sweater, but it turns out she is quite a bit more busy with work than she thought she would be for December. It's all good. More work for her means more toys and treats for me, plus it makes her happy.

    Seanna Lea

    Victor caught a squirrel on Thanksgiving, and his squirrel did not meet so lucky a fate.

    Suffice to say that day Victor did not get the standard amount of kibble for dinner and did not appear to mind the reduction one bit.

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