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    « Terrier Tuesday -- Better Late Than Never Edition | Main | Adventures in Shortbread »

    Wednesday, December 07, 2011


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    Thanks for the update on the red scarves. Good stuff!

    Linda M.

    Can a nicely knit scarf of appropriate design and fiber be sent alone or does it need the fancy label and gift items to accompany it?


    Linda -- Absolutely it can be sent on its own. No need for further embellishment or any extras in the package.  

    elizabeth a airhart

    my box went out in the mail today

    do not forget that our leader and jeffries are in a new book with a whole chapter
    about red scarf
    stay warm norma and jeffries tis cold now


    Just measured my red scarf and it is long enough. WooHoo!! Off it goes tomorrow.


    I am relieved at these numbers too - go knitters! Since I hurt the tendon in my thumb, my knitting has been very limited (only lace weight yarn and big needles can be tolerated) so my red scarf remains half done. Now I can save it for next year and not feel too guilty!
    Good job, all you knitters!

    Justin Bieber Shoes

    If I warn that there was *this* much left on my version of the size large using the Madelinetosh Tosh Chunky and they go out and buy just one skein and end up needing another one to finish the size large . . . perish the thought (this isn't cheap yarn--and the dye lots vary quite a bit).


    I finished my two red scarves in August. And they still sit, unblocked and unmailed, on my laundry table. This weekend they WILL get blocked and packaged, pinkie swear.


    Our church knitting group has done seven--sitting in my closet! Thanks for the reminder; I'll get them in the mail today!!!!!!


    Woo hoo! Glad to hear that scarves are pouring in. My package arrived at the mailroom on Monday. :)


    You have trained us well...

    Bev S.

    Oh I'm so glad that they are getting quite a few. I mailed mine back in September.


    Thanks for the reminder... Just blocked and packaged mine up last night, heading to the post office today!


    Oh good! I was afraid I had missed the deadline for the two I have done and ready to mail. I'll get to the PO today or tomorrow :)

    Barbara M.

    Hi, Norma..... it appears you meet my husband's definition of a good manager: One who finds good people who know what to do and leaves them alone to do it well! He feels that haranguing should be necessary. Congratulations on your excellent managerial skills!

    Rhonda from Baddeck

    I wasn't able to knit a scarf this year, so I'll donate to the fund instead. I've also requested that FC2S be on the list for our company's Blue Jean Days next year.

    Mary H.

    When you posted pictures of Mr. Jeffries modeling the red scarf of 2011 and you mentioned that the pattern was "easy-peasy," I made the exact same scarf. Dropped it in the mail last week. Thanks for the inspiration and the feel-good update!


    Finished my scarf way back in September (using your "twin rib" pattern). Took me until today to get it to the post office. Glad I am not the only slow person in getting things mailed out!

    Lori on Little Traverse Bay

    Thanks for the reminder. Mine is done and ready to be mailed out! Might try to get one last photo with a somewhat cooperative 13-year-old model. ; )


    oh thank you SO much for mentioning our fundraiser norma; we are so excited! we've sold at least 150 copies of the crazy quilt scarf pattern already and we have WEEKS to go
    thank you!


    I posted off 3 scarves this past Monday (5th), they should be there by now (priority post), so glad to see they're getting so many!!!!

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