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    « Popping In Between Classes... | Main | Can You Spot The Very Happy Yorkie? »

    Tuesday, November 01, 2011


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    Seanna Lea

    I have ends to weave in on my first scarf, made out of this gorgeous baby llama. Maybe I'll get the ends woven in and give it the dunking it needs this week.


    Mr. J-- thank you for the reminder on the Red Scarf project. I used your Alpha's twin rib pattern myself and loved it! I finished the scarf back in Sept and then got distracted. Better get it in the mail soon-- like this week!! You are a super model-- now just don't let it go to your head!


    My scarf is 2/3 done!


    Nice scarf! But tonight I'm even more appreciative of the replay of The Studhorse Man.

    elizabeth a airhart

    i have my two off the needles

    hope the storm passed you by


    I just finished a red scarf using the Simply Soft too!!! Knew your scarf looked familiar!


    My scarves have been done since July, but still need to be blocked and dried and packaged and mailed. Thanks for the reminder!


    Hey, look! A photo tutorial of How to Hog-Tie a Yorkie!
    Oh, wait...


    Dear Mr. J - I LOVE the last shot of you. You look so deep and reflective! Tell Alpha she is the BEST! Some Foster Care to Success student is going to be so happy!


    *laughing* Lynn! He does look an awful lot like The Thinker, doesn't he? Love that boy. He is the BEST DOG EVAR.

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