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    « Cookie Monster Explains OWS | Main | Happy Turkey Day To You »

    Tuesday, November 22, 2011


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    Seanna Lea

    I'm sure you are perfect. I know I need to give Mr. Victor more exercise. He deserves more fun walks, especially before it gets too cold for even hardy dogs to do more than take a bit of air before coming back inside.


    HI Mr Jeffries

    well I've had an interesting day myself, I discovered that it's not a good idea to eat balls, not even if it's to get the biscuits that mum is offering to swap the ball for.

    I've had to go see the nice vet, although I'm not so sure now, as I'm a bit sore. Mum says I feel so dizzy cos they drugged me to the eyeballs and then had to cut open my tummy! Now they won't let me eat.

    Your walk looks lovely, I won't be doing much walking for a while I can tell you. Why doesn't your poor friend Chloe have a nice jumper like you?

    Jinx... peace man... look at the swirly colours.


    It looks to me that Chloe is underdressed for a walk at this time of the year in the Northeast...........she needs a sweater as fashionable as yours!


    Tell me Master J., has Alpha submitted your portfolia to PQ (Pooches Quarterly)? Cause you are St-eye-lin!


    Dear Mr. J, I do hope you can convince your Alpha to gift Chloe with a sweater as lovely as the ones she has made for you.

    p.s. I always knew you were a stud, you muscular thang you!


    Mr. J. in that adorable coat--just about made me cry he is so damn cute.

    Happy turkey to you and your humans from admirer in MI,



    I love that your dogs are not on the leash -- much more fun for them!

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