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    « Dear Eveready Diner | Main | Terrier Tuesday -- Baxter the Therapy Dog Edition »

    Monday, November 07, 2011


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    Seanna Lea

    It is looking good! I only seem to get knitting done during my breaks at work and Saturdays. My cooking day completely makes it impossible to knit or I would be working on a sweater too!


    That's the advantage of picking up an old project - you're practically done already!
    I think it'll end up being your favorite sweater...


    Mr. J looks very pleased with your progress! :-)


    It is looking good. I love the colors in the yarn...too bad it has been discontinued.

    Rhonda from Baddeck

    It's beautiful! And you're almost done -- just in time to wear it all winter. Yay Norma!


    Beautiful work Norma!


    Great sweater! I want one just like it, except that I would die of heat prostration in a worsted weight wool sweater, even 50/50 wool/acrylic. (Good thing I live in a cold climate.)

    Lori on Little Traverse Bay

    I was thinking the same thing myself. It matches Mr. Jefferies! (sp?) It's a lovely sweater!




    Doesn't everything look good with a Yorkie? I certainly think so, anyway -- and apparently Mr. J does, too, since he likes to pose with whatever you're photographing!


    Beautiful sweater. Always good to get back into knitting on something that is almost finished.

    Christian Louboutin store

    “We need to be asking: What is the problem for my dog? Not: What is the problem for ME? Why is my dog not heeling on the left? Why does she keep going to the right? Maybe there are better smells on the right. Maybe the dog is right pawed. Just as with most people, most dogs have a preferred paw.”

    Tina Caroll

    I'm not quite good at knitting, but i love it. Between my brakes at work i can make up something just for pleasure. As i see it, you are getting a great pleasure from knitting!

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