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    « I Sent In My First Two Envelopes Today | Main | Dear Eveready Diner »

    Friday, November 04, 2011


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    I've done the same thing with Hannah's Vivian sweater - I put it down for months because it got to hot to work on it. When I picked it back up this fall it took a solid hour to figure out where I was before I could move forward. Hope you're back on track now, too!


    That pink chibi was the FIRST thing I saw in that photo... oh, and that it was sitting on a pile of color that I love. Do you remember when these were going for ~$100 on ebay? I still think they look like some feminine hygiene product, or vaginal suppository...

    I had a dream about getting junk mail so I could send it back. So far, just junk magazines.


    Such lovely colors! That will be one gorgeous sweater . . . and PERFECT for Thanksgiving!


    You can do it! That sweater will look fantastic on you, and perfect for Thanksgiving.

    Seanna Lea

    Lisa is completely right about the pink chibi looking like some feminine hygiene product (not produce, guess what I've been thinking about lately).

    I have a few projects like that, and I'm trying to reduce that number in the future. Figuring out where you left off is not the most fun that can be had in a project.

    Cheryl S.

    All your non-knitting readers are really going to wonder about that chibi.

    At least you put a keychain in for scale. One of my Mormon friends put a photo of her Chibi on her website and her mother called her up and demanded to know why she had posted a photo of a sex toy.

    Dave Daniels

    Ha ha ha ha, only here would there be talk about knitting and suppositories! Makes my Friday, let me tell you.
    What is the yarn, is that Manos? If so, I've got the matching scarf for it.



    I hope you can figure out where you left off and finish that lovely thing soon.


    I remember that project! The colors are perfect for you - I hope you can zip right through it to FO!


    Maybe you just needed the needles for another project?
    We always think we will remember, but we just don't!
    I have several projects that I wish I could work on, but the dreaded "figure it out" has to happen before any knitting. Sigh. That's why I mostly knit socks now.

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