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    « Popping Out of My Cave To Say Hi | Main | Another Good Reason To Own a Robust Stash »

    Thursday, October 20, 2011


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    Seanna Lea

    That is too bad. I wouldn't want to go back if it was that bad, and I'm usually pretty generous.


    I'm so glad the new one is open, I can't wait to try it next year. I daydream about the lemon meringue pie from the Everready.


    I wonder if they will close the old one in favor of the new. I have fond memories of the old one when it was still good and all of the laughter with our peeps.




    Heck, if you can't come up with blog content, just post photos of Mr. J. That always works.

    true religion outlet

    At this point we made the call that we were nearer to Bosherton than the car and carried on. We had coats, but not proper waterproofs, they were of course in the cottage as we'd set off in bright sunshine. I really should have learnt by now not to trust the British weather. Still, part of the way was under the trees beside the lakes and in half an hour or so we were ensconced in the small cafe enjoying tea and scones (with cream and jam of course). The sun began to peep from behind the clouds and a rainbow seemed to speak of better weather to come. How wrong could we be!

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