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    « Two Posts in Two Days -- The Beginning of a Trend? | Main | My Overactive Medical Life »

    Friday, October 21, 2011


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    Seanna Lea

    I really appreciate having a full stash, though it doesn't stop the urge to buy yarn. Something to work on, so I can afford gadgets and trips and all the fun things I see other knitters doing (though I did attend SAW this year, which was terrific).


    Welcome back. You've been missed.


    I love the description "Robust Stash" The descriptions of the stuff at my house are far less kind...........


    Sooooo good to hear from you!

    Mary Fran

    Hmm, all the cardigans I have favorited on Ravelry are buttonless... I'm no help here. But love the combo and can't wait to see what you come up with!


    Three days in a row! How about Stellar by your Cousin Jenn Jarvis?


    A shawl collared cardigan would be perfect for that rustic, country-ish color and buttons.


    How about Saint Denis Cardigan or Crane Creek? Both are on Ravelry...


    Perfect match!


    And, with pictures, even!!!


    How many skeins do you have? Here are 4 that come to mind though the first is not shawl collared and the last the collar can be made wider.

    Lillian Fay by Ellen Mason
    Dark and Stormy by Thea Coleman
    Stellar by Jenn Jarvis
    Vodka Gimlet by The Coleman


    Buttons + yarn = fab !
    Norma blogging = fabber still !
    So nice to see you. I've missed you. Care to motivate me to write a blog post ? I want to, but keep running out of steam !


    Wow! You have excellent buttons skills. I haven't been able to get a yarn/button combo match that well even when I take a finished project to the button store.


    YES glad to have you back, the buttons and yarn are perfect. Whatever you do will be beautiful.


    Soooo glad to have you back!
    You'll want a cardigan long enough to need lots of buttons. I recommend a long leisurely stroll through Rav, looking at cardigans. (Be sure to pack a lunch...)


    Hey, Norma,
    I vote for Audrey-in-Unst in Twist Collective. It seems like it would showcase the buttons and the mohair. It is so grand to have you back!


    That yarn and button combination is delicious. Here is a Ravelry search of shawl collar cardigans made with this yarn:
    Here is a Ravelry search for buttoned shawl collar cardigans in the same weight yarns. Isn't Ravelry awesome? Can't wait to see what you choose.



    Oops. I forgot the second link:


    I'm making this sweater in aubergine for NaKniSweMo, since it will open in the bottom to accommodate my ever-increasing belly! I bet it'd look gorgeous in this wool.


    Well, if you can blog, I guess I can comment, instead of lurking.
    I love the button/yarn combo: can't wait to see what you will pick!

    Nipper Jenn

    It's perfect!


    Whatever you make with that is going to be gorgeous! That yarn does shed like crazy when you're knitting, though. People may ask if you recently adopted a green dog.

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    I like Hannah Fettig's Calligraphy Cardigan; although it calls for DK weight rather than worsted, it's been done in worsted/aran weight. Maureen's Cardigan (also on Ravelry) has been done in mountain mohair.

    Good luck with the pattern hunt -- the yarn and buttons are great!

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