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    « Paradigm Shift | Main | Terrier Tuesday -- The Update on Mollie Edition »

    Friday, September 30, 2011


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    Seanna Lea

    This is terrific! My favorite knitting group meets tomorrow, so maybe I'll get some more red yarn. Can never have too much of it!


    Scout's honor. I donated $10 to the fund last week when I sent off my red scarf. I wish I could have given more but times are really tough right now--even though I am very blessed.

    elizabeth a airhart

    be very proud of yourself bravo
    i started reading your blog a few years ago and when red scarf came up i knew
    i had something i could do and wanted to do

    little ole pudding pie has fainted again
    you know how she is about jeffries

    off to buy the book for goodness sake take
    care of yourself you just never know what
    might be just around the corner now do ya


    I think the second word of your last post was a highly appropriate introduction. Might as well break in new readers right off the bat...
    Hurray for Red Scarf Season!
    (Go rest. Knitting counts as resting, of course.)


    I pulled out my red scarf project, and see it is labelled "Red Scarf 2010" I couldn't get it done last year. Picking up the needles, and starting over!

    web design London

    I'll get some more red yarn. Can never have too much of it!..I think the second word of your last post was a highly appropriate introduction.I sent off my red scarf

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