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    Friday, July 22, 2011


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    Sweet! How very, very sweet of them. :)


    I'm totally jealous!


    You're going to love it! REAL honey is the best!
    My brother keeps bees. He keeps me supplied with honey - a gallon at a time. Sweet gold!


    Enjoy the goodness of flowers and the sun. It should be good fuel for you run!! XOXOX

    Rhonda from Baddeck

    That's awesome! I love reading about Margene and Smith's adventures in the garden, with the chickens, etc. Beekeeping is something I'd like to try someday - the results are magic!


    Aw, that's SUPER sweet!! How wonderful.

    Seanna Lea

    Is it OK if I am a wee bit jealous? I wonder if I can have bees in Quincy, but my gut feeling is no.


    Wow! Lucky you to have such a thoughtful friend (and good packager - the jar didn't break in the post!) My friend brought me a small jar of honey and walnuts when she returned from a visit to Greece - apparently a delicacy. I've made it since with home grown, domestic honey & walnuts ... just put the nuts in a small jar, cover with honey, & let them sit awhile to blend flavors. Great over ice cream or in yogurt. Enjoy!


    How wonderful!


    Mmmmm. Yes, indeed, the sweetness of the flowers and sun, and hard work by the wonderful bees. :^)

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