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    « It's That Time of Year Again -- Time For The Rose Petal Jam | Main | It's Cute In Blue Too »

    Sunday, June 12, 2011


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    Great update! I love seeing everybody's projects (and bags!)I wondered how it all went in light of the nasty weather. Such a smart idea to move it to the mall.


    That looks like a fun day! Maybe next year I'll join you... (Now I just need a calendar that marks the day, so I'll have a heads-up for planning.)


    I love Madtosh!
    WWKIPD totally passed me by. Maybe next year!


    We didn't go out for WWKIP because the weather was just too ... icky. We met my sister-and-family for dinner last night for her birthday, though, and I pulled out my socks and knitted a row at the table because, well, that counts, right? Being in a restaurant, knitting?

    And, Madeline Tosh? I bought a skein of her yarn in January and am in love. I want to make a whole sweater of it now!


    I want to know more about those awesome knitting bags!!

    I was able to read the label from the second one - Rachel Ray. But that last one? I WANT one and I see no any name, etc. Anyone able to shed some insight?


    I think it was a Haiku laptop bag, something like this:


    And the top one is:


    And mine, which is sitting on the floor near the bench in the photo with the knitters, is the Namaste Cali Laguna. I looooove it. It's very elegant.


    I must find those clear Converse... I just about fell over with glee when I saw them. My husband thinks I've lost it but they are the coolest shoes ever!!


    Awesome sneakers. But The Google pretty much convinced me they are available only in toddler sizes now. Happily I bought a pair of clear Sketchers several years ago ;-)


    Looks like you had a great time! Thanks for the close-ups!


    Sounds like a fun time for all - and those sneakers are truly awesome.

    elizabeth a airhart

    the mall is a great place to knit


    I don't think this will my next inspiration in vimax gleaming with joy

    Seanna Lea

    I always have my knitting out in public (knitting on the subway is one of my favorite places), though I did miss the camaraderie of knitting with like minded individuals. It sounds like you had a grand old time!


    The clear Converse sneakers were exclusive to Journeys stores about two years ago. I don't think they make them anymore. They're fun to wear to show off socks, but they are about as uncomfortable as any shoe possibly could be. I only wear mine every so often, mostly to KIP events.

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