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    « And A Little Hat To Go With | Main | On The Button »

    Tuesday, June 07, 2011


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    The groomer will make you cooler in more ways than one, Mr J. Gotta stay sharp-looking for the ladies, ya know.

    Lisa H.

    I have three words: Garden Glamour Shots!


    And I love you, Mr. Jefferies.


    Miss you, Mr. J.!


    What can I say? Terrier Heaven!!!


    ohhh, a ride in the Wheeee! Barrow :-D I'm so glad you have a lovely place to be right now, Mr. J. And after going to the groomer you'll be summer kewl.


    Mr. J,

    Sadie & Gracie here. Just a word of advice. Our Alpha decided that she could "style" us for less $$ and invested in clippers. BEWARE such thought processes! Enjoy your "spa day" as we used to like calling our trips to the groomer. Don't know your groomer, but would bet that it doesn't involve the level of sweat, cursing and general chasing around the deck (and don't even mention the home bath!) and overall sneezing involved in home grooming. And oddly enough, our Alpha seems to have issues with the smell of "wet dog", like it's not as fragrant as her precious "wet wool". So our advice, don't moan too much about the groomer - be glad The Groomer and The Alpha aren't one and the same. Love and Kisses from Sadie & Gracie.
    ps: We think you are one hot studmuffin in the wheelbarrow. Has your Alpha considered making you a Calendar Boy?

    Seanna Lea

    As an Alpha, I tried the groom at home thing and decided that it was just better to pay someone else to do it. Way more fun for me and way less irritating for Mr. Victor.

    Mary K. in Rockport

    Love the eyebrows, Mr. J. -- you look like Andy Rooney.


    Jefferies of the Jungle! You are mighty, here you ROAR!


    OMG! HEAR you ROAR! Though it could have been a double entendre.


    Mr J,
    I'm sure A Alpha finds you SUCH A BIG HELP,
    especially with the wheel barrow.
    Looks like you have your summer job figured out. Good boy!

    Cheryl S.

    Suddenly, I am REALLY glad that I only have a tiny little yard.


    Oh, Mr. Jeffries, you are the goodest dog! And so handsome too, in your rafish way!


    You look like you are having SO MUCH FUN in the wheelbarrow, Mr. J! You are indeed a good dog, and we love you just as much as you love us, of possibly even more!


    And I love you, too, sweet Mr. J!


    Oh Mr. Jeffries, you are just too cute to ignore. How can I let Tuesday go by without hoping for a glimpse of your smiling face and hearing about all your adventures? You're lucky to have Alpha....but, don't tell her I said that.


    Such a busy little man! I know going to the groomer isn't fun, but you want to look your best for all your fans, don't you?


    elizabeth a airhart

    if it's marigolds it must be garden time
    and the weeds are as high
    as an elephants eye my alphas been watching
    old movies again hear her singing oh
    what a beautiful morning woofs mr jeffries

    lile ole pudding pie


    What an amazing and handsome pup! I groomed both of my pups this past weekend. They both got a shampoo, cut and style -- both are so very handsome. My sweet Coal got fired by his groomer and, I must admit, grooming him is like wrestling with a Tazmanian devil. Although, I am still angry with the groomer -- I mean, she is a groomer after all and I don't think all of her clients are perfectly behaved and he certainly couldn't be the worst. He doesn't bite -- just runs for cover when the clippers start. Sam is a little gentledog. They are so different -- just like my human children.


    Mr. Jefferies,
    You are such a charismatic terrier. Thank you so much for sharing your jungle adventures. That wheelbarrow ride looks like a lot of fun.


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