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    « Terrier Tuesday -- Dozing In The Clover Edition | Main | Activity on Hummingbird Lane »

    Wednesday, June 29, 2011


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    Gail H.

    That sweater is super cute! I just ordered 2 tardis pulls, one for me and one for my soon to be born grandson. Now to knit the perfect sweaters for the pulls!


    So adorable! The zipper pull is the perfect touch.


    That's an adorable little sweater. I'm sad about Mission Falls.


    Ya know, it used to be that we could avoid that whole searching-for-the-perfect-buttons nonsense by opting for a zipper.
    Those days are now over...

    Rhonda from Baddeck

    Thanks for the description of Mission Falls - now I'll have to go look for some before it's all gone. I hope you love the Dr. Who series - the recent Doctors are heartthrobs, and the stories can be very 'thrilling!' My husband loved the original series with Tom Baker (et al.) -- I wonder if they're available on DVD... They would be amusing to watch just for their campy special effects. P.S. The sweater is beautiful!


    That little thing is fricken adorable. I didn't even notice the three rows the first time that I looked at it; I think the eye got kind of distracted by all the other stripes.

    Seanna Lea

    The zipper pull is super cute. I will have to look into using it for one of my friends.


    Norma, I would just like to point out that I had a baby recently, so if you need someone to take 1 or 5 baby sweaters off your hands, just let me know...

    *huge Dr. Who fan*

    Peppermint Mocha Mama

    Must. Have. TARDIS. Zipper pull.

    I am a huge Whovian and that zipper pull is the most fabulous thing I've ever seen. You have just added magic to that sweater!


    We have become addicted to Dr. Who. The sweater turned out to be darling!


    As a confirmed Doctor Who addict, I heartily and enthusiastically endorse your zipper pull.


    Just bought Tardis zipper pull. Yummy!

    You'll like Dr. Who. He's a great break while waiting for Dexter! Season 5 is great!

    Mary K. in Rockport

    That IS super cute. Went to the eBay site to look at the Tardis zipper pull, but hesitated. I see from the other comments that everyone else rushed to buy them, too! (I wonder if there are any left???)


    Commenting to suggest Cascade superwash. It's pretty great too.


    That is so CUTE! and love the Tardis zipper pull!
    Sad, so sad the Mission Falls is no longer, wtf happened there?


    Laurie:  I like Cascade 220 Superwash, too... but its gauge is quite a lot thinner than Mission Falls 1824. 





    Okay, I'm now officially a bit freaked! I used Couch to 5K to get running this spring--now up to 30 minutes of running. I used my free iPhone app until I dropped the phone one time too many. The screen has been cracked for about a year but otherwise it worked. Now I have an IDIOT phone while I decide what to do about a replacement. I'm 54 (older than you, but still), I recently went on a Dexter binge and watched every episode until there were no more and I am now awaiting the latest entire season. (By the way, I can recommend Sherlock if you haven't seen it yet. Only three episodes last year but they are amazing.) And now, Doctor Who! Oops, gotta run, gotta order a TARDIS zipper pull!

    elizabeth a airhart

    doctor who wears long knitted scarfs
    a different one each season i think
    patterns can be found online

    baby garment is cute as a button


    Wow! This sweater is so sweet!


    That sweater is fantastic! I love the pull!
    I you wish to get into Dr. Who, you should join the Ravelry Dr. Who page, Who Knits?
    We have lots of discussions on what to knit from the show, there are patterns for everything in the show,from knitted toy Daleks to scarfs based on the outfits wore by the characters. If you check out the Methods to Watch Dr. Who it will have lists of shows to start out on. It is also nice that threads that contain spoilers are well marked, so the show will not be ruined for you.


    This week I began organizing my sewing/knitting room and discovered (once again) that I have way too much yarn.............and now you're telling me that Mission Falls, which I have never tried, is superwash AND wonderful to knit with AND on sale??? You are a very bad influence!


    I highly reccomend Dr Who. We got boat last summer and my 13 year old daughter (who is a HUGE fan) wanted to paint it blue and name it the Tardis. Season 1 is so-so but seasons 2-4 have David Tennant as the Doctor and they are great. Right now BBC America is half way through season 6 and taking a summer break (much to daughter's annoyance) and will commence in fall.


    After you watch the Doctor and fall in love with him like the rest of us, you may want a Tardis bag for your knitting...and I know where you can get one ;o)

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