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    « Terrier Tuesday -- Send Love | Main | A Guest Blog (Reprint): "Why Captioning and CART Universally?" With of Course a Few Thoughts of My Own »

    Thursday, June 23, 2011


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    Lee Ann

    Ooooooooh, lucky girl!


    Glad all is well! That setting for a meal? Wow. Even with rain, looks fabulous. It is 105 and humid here right now. Rain sounds just dreamy.


    Good to know, Norma : ) your whereabouts (niiiiice! and with most excellent food!) and that Mr.J is feeling fine :). xox


    Glad Mr. J is feeling better. The restaurant looks wonderful. What a setting!


    Glad to hear all are well. While I love pretty much all of Vermont, that particular area you're in is extra special to me, as my husband and I were married in W. Woodstock, 36 years ago this past week. Happy Anniversary to us. Safe travels to you!


    Gorgeous location! Reminds me of this one


    You know how we worry...
    I drive through the gorge a couple of times a year, but I've never stopped to look. Perhaps I should sometime.


    Glad to hear Mr. J is okay. Simon Pearce is on my TO DO list this summer. Got to save up for a couple of wine glasses! :-)


    Sounds so fabulous to sit at the top of a waterfall!! I can't tell you how many times Smith and I remember we haven't fed the dogs all day long. Poor things!


    Hmmm, dog abuse ... the truth will out.
    Mr J has such a cross to bear.

    Quechee Gorge - wow that's a flash from the past. Back in the day, I worked on an archaeological project there. (The way-back-machine is required for those memories!)


    Too busy out having a good time to blog. You should be ashamed. ;^)



    you are practically in my backyard!

    if you get a chance, you can visit my favorite LYS-the whippletree in woodstock. love that place!

    elizabeth a airhart

    i have fond memories of vermont

    we are an alert group are we not

    Seanna Lea

    I completely understand about the doggie tummy. Every time I think I understand what Victor is doing and why something new comes up!

    (and I'm in the process of retraining him to potty outside on the theory that if he gets enough praise for doing it outside that he will stop peeing on my living room floor.)

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