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    « Terrier Tuesday -- The Entertaining Myself Edition | Main | Romaine From My Garden - It's What's For Dinner »

    Thursday, June 09, 2011


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    Usually-comments-at-5 am-Lynn

    What a great button-box you must have! Any of the sets would look good, I'm sure - but I'm partial to those carved owls & clicks -or- those antler ones (too). They set off the lovely yarn color and your beautiful knitting.


    My vote would be for the fir ones.


    Love the green! Too bad they're small. The owls are adorable too!


    They do all look great but I think the Yew ones are my favorite.


    Yeah, a pile of blue baby sweaters is the only answer. Just don't do any more button shopping...


    Love the yew and the stone. Might have to order me some new buttons.....

    Robin V

    Wow, you have a splendid button collection. My vote is for the beach stones - but judging from the ranging comments, I don't think we'll help you much!


    I always find it remarkable how much the buttons can change the character of a garment. I lean towards the wood ones.


    So many good's hard to pick just one! I think you bought some of the buttons while visiting Utah. You should knit a blue sweater for yourself as some of the buttons are just YOU!


    It's such fun to play with buttons! They all look great -- which means... you can't go wrong!

    Rhonda from Baddeck

    I like your way of thinking! (more yarn!)

    Mary K. in Rockport

    The right button choice can make or break a sweater and is a difficult decision! I almost always buy new ones, no matter how many I have in my personal collection - they must be "just right!"

    Seanna Lea

    I like the two white ones. I love how classic the contrast is and I love the playfulness of the carved buttons. Either way it is going to be a lot of fun to see this one all done up!


    I like the orange or red, well I like them all except purple . Maybe you should get a yarn for each set?


    It's always good to have a plan. And, I do think all those buttons look cool on that yarn.


    You have some great options.
    Yew; ->WhITE ANTLER<-; Burnt Bone; Sheep/Chickens; Moderne Yellow; Sparkly Pink.

    What a big help we are!


    I liike all of the choices except the purple on the sweater. My favorites are the antler and yellow buttons. It is nice to have such a great number of choices, however, that does make it more difficult to decide.

    Here is a suggestions that has helped me. Consider the style/personality of the baby's parents.


    Good gravy! I think I like them all, and I never imagined blue would go with so many colored buttons. Well, at least you know, whatever you pick, you can't go wrong.


    I like the Fir and the white antler, but it is darn hard to make a good call from a photo.


    What a great button resource! Thanks for cluing me in to it.


    Can you pull one out of the button box and go with that? ;^)


    I love all the choices but my faves would be the White Antler (swooooon) and Burnt Bone.. I like those orange swirly ones too. Yes. More Blue ;^)


    White antler is my top favorite, then the wood ones, then the sheep/chickens, but they all have their merits.

    elizabeth a airhart

    i like all the buttons you can be busy
    all summer long makeing memories

    Jean E.

    More yarn!! Every button deserves a good home.


    I like the antler and beach stones, although the other two neutrals are fun too. There is certainly nothing plain about any of the buttons on that sweater. Orange and blue are fabulous together. ;)


    All of them looked great, but who can beat the owls and chickens??

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