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    « Worldwide Knit In Public Day -- The BTV Edition | Main | Terrier Tuesday -- The Sashimi Edition »

    Monday, June 13, 2011


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    I refuse to believe you ever eat anything like potato chips.

    Usually-comments-at-5 am-Lynn

    The yews are perfect! Can hardly wait to see upcoming versions - after all, you need a home for all of those other button lovelies. Well done!


    I love the sweater and the buttons are perfect!


    You are on a roll!


    I knew you were going to have a hard time stopping...


    Definitely adorable!


    Oh, it's too cute! I think nautical buttons would be great, but it is truly adorable as is. Have you found you mojo again? Little projects can do that to you.

    Robin V

    Too cute for words; the buttons are splendid! Can't wait to see your next version...


    So cute! Go for the button change. From Mr J coats to baby coats. You're on a roll.




    Oh, oh, oh, oh,
    the cuteness of it all.
    Anchors away, baby!

    Seanna Lea

    You are churning these out like the devil is telling you that every one of your relatives is expecting next month. Wow!


    So cute! I have three pregnant friends right now. I would knit up a bunch of these, too, if we didn't live in Florida!


    So cute!


    I think you are even better in blue!

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    So cute sweater.Love it.The style is very nice.

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    He that makes a good war makes a good peace. Every man at forty is a fool or a physician.

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