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    « Cuteness | Main | Terrier Tuesday -- The Entertaining Myself Edition »

    Sunday, June 05, 2011


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    Lisa H.

    My teeth hurt this is so sweet!


    Hey, squee away! Add the hat it deserves even more!

    Usually-comments-at-5 am-Lynn

    Super-cute! And love the shade you've selected for the next, blue version. can hardly wait to share a second "squee !"


    So. cute. It is to die from the cuteness. Great work!

    (There will be no judging here. Something about a glass house.)


    Oh, that set is sooo squeeee worthy!


    He will be placed on the "best dressed" list, without question. Isn't it fun to knit something you really like?


    The cute is going to be even more intense in blue!
    What ... it has been scientifically proven (by me) that blue is the best color of all time. Mix that fact with this pattern + a baby = some serious cute going on.


    Too cute for words-almost! Love the matching hat. This is going to be gorgeous in blue, too. Great job!!!


    Squee perfectly sums it up!


    VERY cute! love the color


    Nor, that is totally squee-worthy! I love it! I have a baby sweater to do and now am thinking of that pattern.
    LERVE it.

    Cheryl S.

    It's a very handsome set.

    Rhonda from Baddeck

    It's awfully cute - can you bear to give it away? Perhaps only because you have the blue one already started.... can't wait to see it. I'll have to keep this pattern in mind for the next baby sweater I knit.


    Squeeing right along with you.


    Sooooooo cute! What an adorable set for a sweet baby! Perfect for fall! Can't wait to see the blue one finished - love that color, too!

    elizabeth a airhart

    just think of all the colours of yarn
    you can knit with and grown ups would
    look good in the above pattern

    i wrote this on my lappy


    It looks lovely. I love the colour you used.


    LOVE the bitty raisin cardi and hat!!!!!
    so very squeeeeeeeeeee! worthy!
    I have the hardest time with sizes and babies!


    Adorable! Now I wanna make one of each too. But I want to make one of everything lately, so hopefully it will pass.


    The only thing that could make it more squee-worthy would be to stick a baby in it...
    (Will you be able to stop after the blue one?)


    Super cute! You know, if you run out of babies to knit for before you get tired of knitting these, I'll volunteer my first born as a recipient. ;) (My little one will be meeting the cold outside world of VT in late fall.) Now that I'm not too nauseous to knit, I'll have to add this pattern to my queue!

    Seanna Lea

    Definitely a cute pattern. Something about the tiny baby knits just hits the cute factor hard!


    This isn't just cute, it is Cay-ute!


    Nice blog. I get plenty of visits to my blog, but even begging on facebook has gotten me no useful comments. I like the "curse often" recommendation, but I'm trying to be family-friendly myself. Maybe the comment cluster idea...

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