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    « Keeping Myself Entertained In Tewksbury | Main | Spri-ing-tiiiiiiiiime, and the Eatin' is Easy...... »

    Saturday, May 14, 2011


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    Hey, I have that same set of bamboo flatware!

    Glad you're mobile enough to do some gardening. I can't believe how much you've got growing already.


    I know how you enjoy being active so I'm sure it's frustrating to not be able to do your gardening. Did you get anything fun at LL Bean?

    Lois Budnitsky

    I would say that you were quite successful in spite of the bad ankle. Don't push it too soon. Your garden sounds well on it's way. I'm envious. Would love to have a garden but too lazy to do all the work.


    Did you eat the rice? ;-)

    Jennifer B. / Brooklyn

    Dude! Glad to see you got to play in the garden. Also glad to see you're listening to your ankle; I've learned the hard way about pushing the healing time on injuries.


    I know how frustrating it is to be kept out of the garden this time of year. Every hour lost now equates to days lost later in the season...
    Go easy. It's so tempting to overdo.

    (formerly) no-blog-rachel

    I'm dying to know who babysat Mr. Jefferies at Burton! I worked there for over 10 years - maybe we know someone in common? Having dogs there was the BEST. :)


    Lucky you with the gardening, etc. Just don't over do it.

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    I'm glad to hear you got some garden time, and it actually sounded somewhat relaxed although it was busy.
    Mmmmmm. that looks good!
    What did you get from LL Bean????
    Dude. Little Dude. hee.

    Angie L.

    I garden vicariously thru you, Norma. My apartment has so little natural light, even the fake plants die!


    Lucky girl! You had yummy food with Sandy and my sis! Now I'm a bit jealous. I think you must bring out the flirty in the waiters based on our CIA exploits...

    Seanna Lea

    I love Indian food, so I was shocked that there was an Indian restaurant I didn't know. Then I remembered that I only truly know Indian restaurants in the Boston area. I don't think any of those outside of Logan are even T accessible.

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