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    « My Left Foot | Main | Mother's Day Asparagus »

    Saturday, May 07, 2011


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    I found Dexter major creepy but so fascinating I couldn't stop watching! I need to go back and rewatch season one and continue the series.

    Love the bags!


    I've been watching my way through the West Wing again. I just loved that show!


    The beads are a perfect way to dress up the bags.


    Love the bags! The beads are just the right touch.

    Angie L.

    Pretty bags, very high-end looking. May I suggest rolos with doritos (mmm), or for lighter fare, 3musketeers with baked lays!

    laurie d

    justs read about your foot--awwww, hope you get better. and yes the bags are just right with the beads!


    I haven't seen the Dexter show, yet, but recently stumbled across one of the books at the library and loved it! I'll have to hunt up a way to watch the show...
    Love the bags. If you can't run, at least you can knit.


    Cute bags! You do have an artist in you.
    I too am a Dexter fan- the intensity just keeps building too.
    I hope your leg injury heals well Norma!


    So pretty! The beads are perfect.


    Love the bags! What pattern did you use? If you want the full cliche, you need to eat bon bons and read movie magazines. Hope you are being waited on as you deserve. No, wait, you're the minion!


    Love your bead embellishments.

    Happy Mother's Day, Norma!


    First, happy Mother's Day!
    Second, welcome back!
    Third, so sorry to read about your left foot! Hope it doesn't end up being too serious and you have to stop running for a long period of time.
    Fourth, imagine the same health issue overseas....and life can get really interesting!
    Mr. J will be just fine.... :)


    Happy Mother's Day!
    I'm pretty sure that good children give their mother bonbons when she is indisposed. For medicinal purposes.

    Hope you've got some good children ;^)


    Love the little bags, those are some seriously fabulous beads!
    wha??? your sister hasn't brought over some of her yummy goodies? ;^)
    Happy Mum's Day, Norma! xox

    elizabeth a airhart

    from the looks of the foot you will not
    be able to put your foot in your mouth
    for awhile or run in the belmont

    the wee little bags are just lovely

    Seanna Lea

    I couldn't watch Dexter. I have issues with anti-heros. Issues that mean I want to smack them around with an old wet cod.

    Your bags are pretty cute. If people wanted to doll up the bags more they could sew on some patterned ribbon along the bottom.


    I love the beads! They totally make the bags.


    ooooh cute... I know some teenage girls who would love those, I'd give them with a selection of beads from my stores so they could decorate and change out as they liked.

    Now where's the pattern???

    Discount Nike Shox

    She looks blue.

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