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    « Aircast Chic | Main | Wherein The Ankle Says HEY, STOP THAT »

    Thursday, May 12, 2011


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    CB - the only place I know where green beans are the same consistency as the mashed potatoes.


    Now that looks like an interesting book! The Cracker Barrel gift shop is always. . . full of surprises.


    Looking forward to the book report.
    I think Moon Pies are something that used to be fabulous, but have been modernized/commercialized into blah-ness.


    I work 5 minutes from there! Let me know if you need a buddy for lunch/ mini yarn crawl!


    Moon pie looked like something you should try? I'm a southern girl, and I can't imagine! Can't stand them myself. And, I can't imagine you eating at the CB! You do indeed have an open mind, Norma.


    Really? Moon pies? You didn't know?
    I'm with Becky on this one.


    I'd like to know more about this Cracker Barrel. It looks so cool on tv but my daughter gags every time the commercial runs! Moon Pies? Yummmm

    Seanna Lea

    I cannot eat at the CB. The last time I got sick (I was probably getting sick anyway, so it wasn't the food). It just doesn't have much for a vegetarian. I'm glad that you had a good catfish at least.


    I saw this book (The Lost Art of Reading: Why Books Matter in a Distracted Time, by David Ulin) briefly mentioned in the Washington Post yesterday. I haven't read it yet but maybe it will point you (and me) in the direction of reading something a bit more challenging than Gardening Magic (entertaining though that surely will be - I look forward to hearing what you learn!). (Maybe it will also explain why I seem so fond of parentheses...)


    I have never eaten at a CB. The Moon Pie? I ate a few when I was a kid (a billion years ago) and back then? not absolutely horrid but I'm with Gayle on this, the modernization/new formula/recipe.. I remember enjoying Cherry Mashes when I was a kid too, about 10-15 yrs ago I saw one, snagged it, and gagged. wtf did they DO! sigh. just as well, eh? xox


    CB is my restaurant of choice. I seem to find the food is actually cokoed there instead of premade and reheated.

    B'c I usually hit one on a road trip I have perfected the "what to get" vs the "never eat" I am sorry you had a bad meal.

    Plus my dad was a manager for them until the day he died. So I have an insider look at what never to get. The catfish is ALWAYS on my GET radar.


    CB is not one of my favorites and we always have to eat there when my grandparents visit. UGH! As far as moon pies, the commercialized ones suck, but if you would like a recipe for homemade ones, they are MARVELOUS!


    Won't eat at CB but must confess that I LOVE moon pies. The bookstore at the school where I work gets them fresh, I was actually sorry to see them because temptation is hard to resist.


    Moon Pies (the original ones anyway) should always be accompanied by an RC cola.


    Did Mr. J smell that Moom Pie on your breath? I don't know how someone who would refer to our Little Man as "Roly Poly" could, in good conscience, eat a Moon Pie. ;-) Please tell him that Hannah and I think he is a total heartbreaker at any weight, and we are greatful that he hasn't been referred to as a "Porky Yorkie." We also don't want him to develop some kind of body dysmorphic issues or an eating disorder because *someone* made less than sensitive comments about his weight. There is just more of him to love.

    Angie L.

    Moon pies used to be good; now, sadly, they taste like plastic butt.

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