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    « Life Is Too Short | Main | My Left Foot »

    Monday, May 02, 2011


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    (formerly) no-blog-rachel

    I'll miss you - see you when you get back! And on FB. :)



    (What happened? Who do I need to snarl at?)



    Can you post an occasional picture of Mr. J so we don't get withdrawals from EVERYTHING?

    I have 4 terriers and usually have another 4 foster terriers...but I still miss getting a peak at Mr. Jeffries!


    Rest well, Norma!

    Mary R

    Don't let the nasty ones get to you, Norma. I really enjoy your observations and commentary on life. I will miss your posts. I'm already looking forward to when your break is over.


    Oh Christ. Sometimes I hate people. Never you and never our friends but the meddlers and the idiots and the ones who just don't get it. Send me an email and tell me what's going on, would ya? Thanks.


    Best line ever: "Their eyes are too sensitive for the way I write."

    Go kick a few weeds in the garden and mutter bad words out loud. It'll make you feel better.

    Mary Fran

    Totally get this. People are stupid and irritating.


    I'll look forward to the roarin'. Rest well.


    Rest well, Norma. You've given me countless hours of pleasure over the years and I thank you for that. I'll miss you. I may pathetically ask to be your friend on Facebook.

    Enjoy the summer! (I think it may finally come.)

    Barbara Meyers

    Oh, Norma.... so sorry about the meddlers. I will miss your wit and humour and all the updates from the North country and the gardening info and of course, Mr. Jeffries..... can never get too much of the cuteness!

    But I appreciate the need to rest and regroup and regain your own sense of perspective, away for the obnoxiety (is that a word? It should be!) of the blog-meddlers. Come back when you are ready, and know that those of us who love you will still be here!

    Barbara M.


    Like so many others, I appreciate your perspective and will miss your voice in blogland. Enjoy your rest.


    I'm an infrequent commenter, but a faithful reader. I'm going to miss this blog, esp. this time of year in gardening season. You are an inspiration to me in that area.

    But I do understand the need to "take a break." I hope it is restful and spirit-lifting for you, and - for the sake of your faithful readers - not very long!


    Dude. You will be missed. No garden progression shots and puppy antics? Piss on the meddlers and trouble makers. Why do they have to ruin everything?

    Lisa H.

    I read your blog everyday and I'd like to give you a hug right now, but since you're not a big hugger, I'll just give you a high five (or maybe a fist bump?). I'll miss your daily humor, your inspirational entries to get me into my tennies, exercising, and off my fat a**, and of course the glorious photos of Mr. J. See 'ya when y'all feel like checking in.


    Bummer! Why do some idiots have to ruin a good thing?! Hugs to Mr. J and definitely go outside and throw some weeds around or kick some dirt clods or go for a run! Hopefully your 'time off' will be a good thing! See ya when you get back!


    You will be sorely missed while you are gone.

    I must be naive because I never fail to be bewildered by the negativity that can occur in the comments on a blog. Yes, it's ok not to agree with another person, but one doesn't have to be an a-hole about it.

    I hope that ankle heals up quickly and you can continue on with the running. Good luck with the garden, and hope to hear from you soon!

    Susie B

    I'll miss you here, Norma.

    I don't understand people who seem to delight in causing trouble--the net is wide enough that if they don't like you, move on.

    I'll see you and Mr. Jeffies on FB.


    Im so sorry about the many last straws; I empathize especially with the ankle/tendonitis issues. Very frustrating when you're really in the fitness groove. Rest well, and may all your pursuits be irritant-free.

    See you when you get back.

    Elizabeth D

    Have a good rest -- sorry the Dark Ones have driven you away for awhile! I'll look forward to your return.

    Lois Budnitsky

    I fully understand what you are saying. Sorry for the meddlers. I'll miss reading of your adventures on a daily basis but I'll keep checking in to see what you and Mr.Jeffries are up to. Enjoy your respite and rest that foot.


    Hope that ankle heals soon. What a pain, and right before gardening season....

    Will miss you and Mr. J. You two always brighten my morning rambles on the internet.


    I will miss reading the blog while you are taking a break. Sorry that a few didn't learn from their mother's if you can't say something nice than don't say anything at all.


    Totally understand. Enjoy your rest and know you will be missed out here in the wild-west called blogland. Hamill

    Take your time. Enjoy reading your blog and FB posts...wishing you well. see you when you get back! Susan B.


    Well, rats. I don't Facebook, so I'll miss you until you come back. What is WRONG with people? Why is it that they think they can come into YOUR living room and insist that you rearrange the furniture??

    Too bad you can't REALLY eat them when they poke you. That would be AWESOME.

    I'll watch this space... Be well, hon.

    elizabeth a airhart

    lil'e old pudding pie loves you yes she do

    the rain falls upon my pillow
    my tears flow wettly
    my small world
    a world without me

    know how it feels love elizabeth a


    But, but, but, without you how will I learn about cool things like that nifty thing that lets you pee standing up, and diva cups, and the clean program and the running program and rose jam and . . . .
    Will sorely miss you and anticipate your return - and please send a list of who we should be snarking at.

    Elizabeth in VT

    Have a good rest. When/if you come back, consider losing the "obligation" to blog almost every day. You've got FB for that ...
    I'll miss you.


    I think I grasp the concept of the "blog-break" but please, please, don't make it permanent! I love reading about you and your daughter and Mr. J and running and the garden and CART and your knitting...


    Have a good rest from the blog! Please don't stay away forever!


    I'm sorry people are so stupid. Come back soon, please!


    Please don't go forever, you're my favourite blogger and I'd really miss your posts.

    I hope they all just bloody well buzz off and leave you to do your lovely thing.

    Best wishes x


    There, there, honey, you go have a nice lie down. Then go take those lime sneaks out for a run.

    We will wait.


    Oh, Norma. There's always a party pooper, isn't there?

    I agree with Diane. Your best line ever: "Their eyes are too sensitive for the way I write." Priceless!

    Take a break. We'll be here when you return.


    Block. The. Crazies.
    And do know that you can use a third party commenting system that still emails you comments with attached email addresses. (I'm using Intense Debate and I'm happy with it.)

    Kari W.

    Yours is the first blog I read every day. I rarely comment but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy reading your posts. I have learned so much from you over the years and should have said a big THANK YOU long ago. So often we don't appreciate what we have until we lose it. So much of life is in upheaval that I came to rely upon you as a constant. Enjoy your break from the blog but I know I'm not alone in hoping it's not permanent. Hope your ankle heals nicely. Now, I need a green smoothie!


    Rest up, Norma. I'll look forward to your next roar.


    I've been resting and avoiding my blog for so long now I think I blame Facebook... I achieve what I want using it... sigh...


    I will miss your reading your blog every morning. Have a good rest and have some fun in your garden!

    Seanna Lea

    I don't think I will ever really understand the people who come back all the time to a site that offends or irritates them. If I decide I cannot deal with someone's writing or content, then I take my own break and go somewhere else. The sandbox is huge. There is no call for pushing someone else's castle down just because you think it is ugly.


    Norma!! I'll miss your blog, your photos of Vermont life, your garden, your dog and your smarty pants tone. Hurry back!!!!


    I'll miss you & Mr. J.

    Val Champ

    Hope that your ankle heals quickly Norma, I will miss both you and Mr Jeffries. My hubby will miss you as well...

    Its a shame that someone is driving you to hibernate...


    I too hardly ever comment, but I read every post, and have loved following your knitting, gardening, and occasional ranting.

    I will so crack some skulls if it will make you feel better - just say the word!

    Feel better.


    I'm sorry people are so self-absorbed and clueless. (Hence persistent. Hence annoying beyond belief.) You don't deserve that.

    I don't often comment, but I have read and enjoyed your blog for over a year now. My dogs are now eating healthy food as a result of one of your posts. And I'm knitting a red scarf. Thank you for being thoughtful and thought-provoking.

    I hope you have a speedy recovery from your ankle injury.

    Enjoy your time away. We'll be fine.


    My lunchtime just will not be the same......
    But do what you need to do restore/maintain your sanity/equilibrium. We'll be right here when (and I pray it's "when" and not "if") you return.


    I need a t-shirt with that bear and warning :^)
    amelia a a, oh she tickles me. in a good way.
    I know you'll take care with your ankle, sending the good thoughts it heals quickly.
    Enjoy your break/rest.. and everything else I'd write here? you already know.
    ROAR!!!!! :^)


    I'll be waiting for your return. Have a nice rest and recoup.


    F.U. to them, Norma! Bastids! I really enjoy your blog, and if they don't, they can just f off! I understand the need for the break, but I will miss you and Mr. J. Try to remember that these people are miserable people in general. Take care.

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