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    « Your Opinion DOES NOT MATTER | Main | sdrawkcabssA »

    Thursday, April 21, 2011


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    Nice bag! I haven't felted one in about seven years. Perhaps you'll motivate me.

    Seanna Lea

    I've only made one felted bag, but I'm making a wallet right now (fabric). A bag is probably right around the corner!


    Too cute!


    Felting is so much fun! You can end up with a pile of bags, though, since one idea just leads to another, and it's really hard to stop...


    So wee and adorable!


    Great bag! But I thought that white yarn didn't felt well, or at least some white yarn. Obviously it worked perfectly here, but have you found that to be true with any other white yarns?


    Hmm, I never really caught the bug to felt or knit bags but I think this little project has just done the trick. Perhaps this year's knitted gifts for the family... Thanks!


    Perfect. Ready for a little spring stroll!


    So cute!

    Cheryl S.

    Obviously you and I are on the same wavelength. I just finished one, and am half-way through another.


    Darling! I never quite get around to using my felted bags.


    I do NOT need any more of her patterns, Miss Norma! I found you waaaaaay back when, during the Sophie bag craze, and purchased quite a few of her patterns. No more enabling, Missy!!

    oops... I'm slipping... =-)


    Very cute!!


    What a sweet bag! Makes me want to knit and felt purses. And I thought I was SO over that!


    Very cute and what a great way to use up that yarn.

    elizabeth a airhart

    i like this bag for me it's the best
    bag so far pretty sewn up in silk perhaps


    Very CUTE! in fact, damned darling!

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