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    « Busy, Busy, Buzz Buzz Buzz | Main | Terrier Tuesday -- Getting Fit Edition »

    Sunday, April 17, 2011


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    Stick some peas in a couple of old tires with a cheap tomato cage in the middle for them to climb on. No guilt over wasted garden space, and perhaps you'll have a few handfuls of peas to munch on. 37 garlic up here to date!


    You are so right about the peas, but I just can't go without them.


    But peas are so delicious even if they are bastards.


    Peas are a HUGE pain in the ass. I always hated growing things that grew 24 hours a day.

    Mr. J looks happy but Mr. Chicken seems to have some doubts.

    elizabeth a airhart

    your world will be in bloom one of
    these days not even a tulip up anywhere

    i was born up north it could take such
    a long time to warm up you'll make it


    But there's nothing like fresh peas. And aren't they supposed to be a July 4th tradition? Salmon and peas, right?


    I like Kayten's idea.. and plant the damn peas!
    The wall by the stairs, did you do that? Mr.J and his chicken, cracks me up every time, whatever they're up to. xox

    Seanna Lea

    I should look into how to make a cheap cold frame, though I admit after last year's meager harvest that I'm more likely to put a net over the whole thing to stop birds and squirrels from eating my produce!


    Originally developed as a top-classified ‘black’ program SYERS but with the declassification of the U-2 program, this sensor was also declassified. The original SYERS used the DB-110 EO system (currently configured in tactical recce pods). The DB-110 platform provides the rotating nose section which aims the sensor’s line of sight at the required area of interest, enabling automatic scan using automatically scan methods, including continuous, push broom, or still-frame.

    The original dual-band SYERS sensor flown on the U-2 ISR platform was manufactured by Goodrich ISR Systems.

    The SYERS sensor flown on the U-2 ISR platform was manufactured by Goodrich ISR Systems. The upgraded sensors, designated SYERS-2A, will enhance U-2 functionality by adding additional multi-spectral imaging capability to the platform, providing more utility in discerning imagery.

    Multi-spectral sensors capture images at specific frequencies across the electromagnetic spectrum enhancing the sensor’s capability to obtain high resolution imagery under adverse weather conditions of haze and light fog.

    Multi-spectral enhanced images provided by the payload are used for targeting, threat analysis, and situational assessment, by evaluating changes in images taken in different times, showing differences not readily apparent to the human eye.

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