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    « Just Do It | Main | Friday, No Foolin' »

    Thursday, March 31, 2011


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    Lisa Chaffee

    Oh Mr. Jefferies, I will have to make a bigger bag for you...Yorkie God.

    Thank you so much, Norma, enjoy your bag! Lisa


    I think Mr J was hinting that he doesn't want to be left behind... (and he's willing to do his own packing.)


    You could always get a second bag for your little buddy!


    Such a cute bag! (Yorkie, too. . .)

    Robin V

    Maybe you need a Yorkie-sized-bag, so Mr Jefferies can carry his own chicken...


    "Have chicken. Will travel."


    cute, but can you talk more about the water flask? im very intrigued by it.


    I'm with Tola - I like the bag, but I want deets on the flask.


    That's one cute bag - though nothing trumps Yorkie cuteness.


    Beautiful bag - but the Yorkie absolutely wins the prize! lol

    elizabeth a airhart

    nice looking bag and hes a pip

    has the skunk cabbage come up yet
    gets so hot it melts the snow

    Crazy Aunt Cookie

    Very cool!

    Seanna Lea

    Also with Tola. That is a funky looking water bottle (mine are the boring kind that are easy to attach to bikes).

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