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    « Garden Update: Cold and On Hold | Main | Occupational Hazard »

    Sunday, March 27, 2011


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    Srsly, this is so unfair! Even the weatherperson says we're having January temperatures. April 1st is this coming Friday, I wonder what it will be -- a snow storm or 75?


    The cold and wind impinged on my ability to fully enjoy the blue and sunny day, though I tried. I am still not sleeping well, and my husband woke me out of a sound sleep for a non-emergency phone call this morning. This may have colored my attitude toward the rest of the day.
    Love the bat-out-of-hell photo.


    ooooooh Elvis...... sorry Mr J


    as i told my husband today, the sunshine was just for pretty; no warmth, just beauty.


    I feel annoying and preachy, but I run regularly, and it ALWAYS hurts. I love it anyway. It's totally bizarre, but the pain for me is just a part of it. It's not injury pain, just "Boy do my shins (or)ankles (or)hamstrings hurt."

    Keep at it, it does get easier.


    Hilarious final picture!

    Nike Duck Shoes

    your website is so great that i love it very much. thank you for sharing it with us.

    Seanna Lea

    I haven't gotten all of my runs in this week (or last). I'm hoping that I do better, because I really need to be comfortable at the 9-10 mile range to have a good half marathon and it is better if I am comfortable at the 12 mile range (there is a bit of a duh there). I downloaded the C25K app, just to make the outdoor running a little more enjoyable. The cold kills me!


    I love my "Norma Bag," the felted bag you inspired when we visited you! You'll be great teaching this class. And oh, that puppy photo. Elvis looks just like my Dixie did when she was a wee one.


    Oh, that last picture just slays me! lol Love the pic of Elvis....too sweet! We had some sunny, blue sky yesterday and it was beautiful! What brand is your new DSLR toy?


    Yeah, we had that same blue-sky/sunshine/bitter-wind-howling-down-from-the-north-pole over here. What a tease that sunshine was...
    If you need some more felted bags for show and tell, I've got some small and smallish ones I could loan you.


    bat-o-hell + cutie-sleep = totally justified camera purchase!

    Thank God for the sun and the blue, cause the temps leave something to be desired.


    Ah, I wish Netflix would put the other seasons of The Tudors on Instant! I watched the first two seasons over a weekend and really want to see the rest. Watch Instantly is like, the best thing since sliced bread!


    Seriously? People are whinging about when you blog?! They should be THANKFUL you have time to blog.

    Do you want the felt bag I made out of SWS? It's got the bamboo-ish handles. Lemme know. I can drop it in the mail tomorrow... assuming I can find it. *L*

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